Services Plugins FAQs

Video Player Plugin


Does the “Video Player” plugin play .mp4 .mov and videos filmed on iPhones & Android Phones?



is their a list of the file types that the video player will support?

Hi @bentomsouthgate,

Thanks for reaching out. Our plugin supports all formats that HTML5 can support, meaning it really depends on the browser you are using. Unfortunately it doesn’t provide a list with formats, but overall - the standard options like .mp4, .mov, etc. are supported for sure! Our plugin also supports video links from Youtube and Vimeo, as well as other options.

You can give it a try with our demo page here and see how it is working under the hood as well, before purchase.

Hope it helps!


Hi @alexandru


I have a single page web app, with different groups hiding then appearing depending on the tab.

I have a “product” group which is dynamic and shows the products name description picture and a short video depending on which product is selected.

When a product is clicked on the dash it goes to the “product” group and sends the product information.

The name, picture and description update, but the video, with the zeroqcode Video Player, does not update as I change products.

So once I click on product 1 its shows the right video, but then when I go from product 1 to product 2, the video does not update and it still shows product 1ss video despite showing product 2s picture, name and description.

I hope this makes sense.

Is there a way to refresh the video player so that it is showing the right video for the product?

Thanks @bentomsouthgate for feedback!

Sure, and you can check the example we have in our demo here:

As we have a list of let’s say “products” that have only a video link, and you click on each of them and the player is updated with according video. You can do the same thing but also adding other product details like description, picture etc.

Hope it helps!

I have the same issue, and you points above don’t solve it.

On a single page app, the video from the last time I use the player is cached, and there’s no reset to force the player to get the new video file. This is NOT a situation where there is a list of videos…there’s only one video reference in the dynamic link like Parent Trade’s Video-File. The Parent Trade is different each time I use the player, but the only video that loads is the first video I accessed since the last page refresh.

Hi @rob,

You can share more details of your app, so we can see the design and workflows to try to replicate on our side, and see whether or not it is possible to implement as initially planned.

A couple of screenshots or a screencast would help a lot.


Thanks @alexandru

Here is a loom of what’s going on:

Hi @rob,

Thanks for the video. Here is how to setup your app in order to make it work. So you have a repeating group which contains items that you click to open a popup, right?

Here, when you click on the current cell’s item, you need to show the popup element, and right after that to display data in that popup, which is the current object (e.g. of type Video in our case) that will be sent to the popup.

And for the popup element itself, you set the type of content and data source with the Video object, but for the New Video Player element just set the Parent group’s Video’s url.

Here is a loom to see:

Hope it helps.


Thanks Alex.

I am working from a repeating group, but the repeating group is a list of notifications. Each notification is associated with a trade, and each trade has a video. When I’m opening the popup, the data type for the popup is Trade, since I have a bunch of data associated with the page to show along with the video. I have several nested groups, one of which shows attached files for the trade (if they’re there). The group where this element is has a parent type of Trade. I have the dynamic link for the video element set to Parent Trade’s Proof File’s URL, which is the video file.

When the popup is triggered, it shows the right Trade video the first time, but subsequent triggers show the first video show, as if it is caching that first video and isn’t even checking to see that the dynamic link has changed.

Are you saying that the popup MUST have a parent data type that is a video?

Hi @rob,

Thanks for feedback. Yes, you should be calling the object from your database that actually stores the video url, in both plugin element data source, as well as passing the same object into your popup. As you can see based on our video sample, it is working properly. :pray:


Seems like I won’t be able to use the plugin, then. I can’t pass in the video into the popup in this scenario and the way it caches makes the whole app look broken.

Hi @rob,

Sorry to know about this situation. Perhaps you could try a different way of designing the groups and rearranging just for testing purposes, because this plugin will still be able to handle the functionality you are looking for.

However, I was glad to assist. Just let me know if you have any other questions.:pray:
