Hey @Miro ,
Thanks for reaching out!
The issue you’re running into is actually a common restriction on iOS/Safari. Apple has pretty strict rules when it comes to autoplay and volume control, which is why the “decrease volume” action isn’t working as expected on mobile.
What’s Happening?
iOS doesn’t allow JavaScript to change the volume of a video unless the user interacts with it first.
Even if the video autoplays (muted), iOS requires a manual tap before you can adjust the sound.
Your mute/unmute button might not count as a valid interaction for Safari.
How to Fix It (workaround) ?
Option 1: Play the video before changing volume
Since iOS needs user interaction first, a good trick is to play the video when the user taps the mute/unmute button and then adjust the volume.
Try this setup in your workflow:
When the “Unmute” button is clicked:
Play the video (Responsive & Stylable Video Player → Play
Set volume to 1
This way, iOS recognizes it as a valid interaction.
Option 2: Add a “Tap to Enable Sound” overlay
Another approach is to make it super clear for users by adding a button that asks them to tap before enabling sound.
How to set it up:
Place a transparent button over the video that says “Tap to enable sound”.
When tapped:
- Hide the button
- Play the video
- Set volume to 1
This forces iOS to recognize the action and allows volume control! 
Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions—we’re happy to assist. 
Best Regards,
Support Team
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