Services Plugins FAQs

Wasabi cloud Storage can't download file

When I try to download a file that was previously uploaded through your plugin Wasabi cloud Storage, it gives an error “AccessDenied”.
Previously, everything downloaded without problems

Hi @nickallson, thanks for reaching out.
Please check if on your uploader the following field is set up for “No”.

In case it is “Yes”, the uploaded file is private and there is no access to it for third-party users.

Hope it helps. In case this or any other issue with our plugin will persist, please let me know and share screenshots/screencast with your plugin setup & workflows (here or on DM).

Have a nice day!

We checked everything, we have privacy disabled everywhere. But, anyway, thanks for the advice. The thing is everything worked fine, and then it stopped and I don’t know why.


Hi @nickallson, in case the issue still persists, would it be convenient for you to add our as a collaborator of your app?
That will allow us to check what’s wrong with your setup and test it out in our workspace.

Enter your Bubble editor page → Settings → “Collaboration” tab → Invite a user (email).
(Note: disregard the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.)

I will check your setup and do a few tests in an attempt to find the root cause and help you fix it.
In case it is ok for you, please let me know.


Hi @Serg we invited you in our app, can you check it, please

Upload to wasabi make on author_page
And Download fron wasabi on n_b_client_page

Hi @nickallson, we’ve discussed in DM the above-mentioned issue and seems that it might be a Bubble glitch that already disappeared.

In case the issue with file download will appear again, please let me know and share a screencast with use case flow (upload/download).

Have a nice week ahead!

Hi! Just checking:

If my file is in private mode, I can’t download it. I can upload, retrieve infos, but not download?
To work fine the file needs to be in public mode? If it’s true, I’ll have a problem… :slight_smile:

Hi @alexandre, thanks for reaching out.

This is the cloud storage logic, if it is downloadable, then the point of privacy can’t be respected. A possible solution (to respect the privacy of the file) might be to use the plugin’s “presigned URL” feature, find more info here

If there will be any other plugin-related questions, please let me know.
