Services Plugins FAQs

Wasabi Cloud Storage file extension

In version 1.104.0 or lower, the file extension used to return with the dot next to the extension, example: (.png .pdf .jpg)


Updating to the most current version, the extensions are only returning the type, but without the dot, example: (png, pdf, jpg).

As a result, file type detection for viewing in my software does not work for new files, since I do a complete type check. For it to work correctly I would have to change the verification to contains (which is more costly in terms of performance)

Is the change in the extension format by the plugin a permanent change or was it a mistake?

Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Thank you for reaching out to us!

Upon testing, it appears that the plugin now only returns the extension code without the dot. I will consult with the developers about this change and provide you with more information as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please manually add the dot to the extension or consider downgrading to a previous version of the plugin that meets your needs.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at any time :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

Thank you, I look forward to your response.

I will maintain a previous version and make the change if this is a behavior that will remain standard in the future.


Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Hope you’re doing well! I apologize for the delayed response over the weekend :pray:.

I have an update for you: the recent change was made inadvertently. Our developers are currently reviewing whether to revise the plugin to reintroduce the previous functionality. I’ll keep you posted as soon as we have more information!

Thank you for your understanding. In the meantime, please feel free to continue using the version of the plugin that best meets your needs, and I’ll get back to you with more details soon.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Hope you’re doing well :pray:

I wanted to let you know that we’ve released a new update for the Wasabi plugin—version 1.109.0. In this update, we’ve reinstated the dot before file extensions, addressing the issue you noted earlier. Could you please update the plugin to the latest version and give it a try? I’d really appreciate your feedback to ensure everything is now functioning as expected.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards :sunflower:

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Perfect, now it’s working properly.

Thank you for your attention

Best Regards,

Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Thanks so much for your confirmation. I’m glad I could help :blush:

If you’re enjoying our plugins, we’d appreciate it if you could rate them. Just go to the Plugins tab in the Bubble editor, search for the plugin by name, and give it the stars you think it deserves. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Additionally, if you’re willing to share your entire experience with Zeroqode, we invite you to do so at: Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and the Bubble community, as it motivates us to keep developing outstanding products and providing excellent customer service :hugs:

Thank you again, and if you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out at any time!

Best regards :hibiscus:

After updating to version 1.109, some of my users started reporting errors when opening some files, as shown below:

All files were uploaded after upgrading to version 1.109. Those sent previously open correctly.

When returning to version 1.104 of the plugin, uploading and opening these same files works correctly.

It is important to highlight that the problem does not occur with all uploads, only some files present the error and it is also not related to a specific extension.

Below I also send two PDF files that show this behavior:

In one of my tests trying to understand the problem, I noticed that if I open these PDF files in the browser, click on print and save as PDF, as long as I keep the original name offered, the upload works correctly. But as soon as I rename the file and try to upload it, the error happens again when viewing the file

Best Regards

EDIT: One more important piece of information, testing the Pluging versions I noticed that the problem starts to occur from version 1.105 onwards

Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Thanks so much for the details. However, could you please provide me with a step-by-step guide on how to recreate this issue on my end, along with pictures of your configuration? Additionally, could you clarify what you mean by “open the file”, uploading it to Wasabi, and opening them in another browser tab via the URL"?

You mentioned that the error occurs when you rename the file. Could you please specify the new name you’re using?

I will do my best to get to the bottom of this behavior :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

could you please provide me with a step-by-step guide on how to recreate this issue on my end, along with pictures of your configuration?

The process is quite simple. I upload the file and save the necessary information in the database and then generate a presigned url with the saved information so that the file can be viewed by opening the generated URL in a new window.


Additionally, could you clarify what you mean by “open the file”, uploading it to Wasabi, and opening them in another browser tab via the URL"?

Generating a presigned url with the uploaded file and opening the generated link in a new browser tab

You mentioned that the error occurs when you rename the file. Could you please specify the new name you’re using?

You can use any name, as I tested several options, including with and without special characters, and in all cases the problem occurred.

Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Thanks so much for the extra details!

I have tried to recreate your use case and recorded my setup with results in this video. I renamed the file when uploading it to Wasabi. After uploading, I successfully generated a signed URL and accessed the uploaded image.

Could you please let me know where my setup differs from yours so I can adjust it and try again?

If you have time, a screen recording like the one I attached, showing how you have configured these features, would also be helpful :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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Hi @dorel

Watching your video I noticed that you used a different file than the ones I sent.

In my tests I also had no problems with files in Image format (jpg, png…) the problem was noticed with some .pdf documents and with a .txt test I created.

As soon as possible I will send a video as requested. In the meantime, could you perform the test with the files I sent previously?


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Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Apologies for the delayed response :pray:

I have uploaded the two PDF files you sent, renamed them automatically, and generated signed URLs for both. However, the behavior remained consistent across both files. You can view this process in the screen recording, where the URLs from Wasabi are visible.

Please send your recording whenever possible, and we will continue to investigate this issue further.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation :hugs:

Best regards :sunflower:

Hi @dorel,

I just sent you a dm with the recording as requested


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Hey @marcello_pessoa,
Thank you for your reply. :pray:

I sent you a direct message two days ago but haven’t heard back yet. I would like to make sure you receive it.

Could you please send me the recordings since @dorel is out of the office this week?

Thanks again, and I’m eagerly awaiting your message or confirmation if you’ve already resolved it. :slight_smile:


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Hi @Igor,

I just sent you a message with the information.

Best Regards,

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Hi @marcello_pessoa,

As I do not have access to the DMs between you and Igor, I will reply on this thread.

I wanted to inform you about the latest version of the Wasabi plugin - version 1.113.0. This version has introduced a few changes to the “Generate Presign URL” action, allowing it to decode the filenames. Additionally, we have added a new state for the “Retrieved files” call, named “Location.” You can use this state to provide actions with the path/location of files.

Could you please update the plugin and try out the new changes? I would appreciate some feedback after testing :blush:

Best regards :sunflower:

Hi @dorel

Perfect, thank you for your feedback, I’ll wait for version 113 to be available for update and get back to you

Hi @marcello_pessoa,

Could you please check if the version is available now? The update was released almost 4 days ago and should have been available when I informed you about it.

Hope to hear back from you soon and wishing you a productive Monday :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hi @dorel

On the day of the message it wasn’t available for update, but now I was able to update it.

From the tests I carried out, it is working correctly now, if I encounter any problems I will contact you again. Tks!!

Best Regards,