Services Plugins FAQs

Web Notifications don't work on iOS 17

Can anyone verify that using the Web Notifications Plug in in Bubble works on iOS 17+?

I can’t get to work at all. Works fine on Android. I also noticed that when I save my app to the home screen it saves it as a “Bookmark” and not as a PWA like it has in the past. I can’t get Safari to popup and show the request to subscribe to notifications on my app. I have triple checked the setup. Manifest.json, service-worker.js, header tags, enabled notifications on Safari and added my app to the home screen.

I’ve spent days on this now and don’t know what to try next.

Nothing works. :frowning:

Hello @jpaynesoftware, :wave:

Would it be convenient for you to share access to your app so we can take a look?

For this please add our email as a collaborator of your app (disregard the warning, our email can be added to the collaborator list even if your app is on the Free plan). And please let me know the page name where the plugin elements are found.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,

Daniel, I added the email as a collaborator. Below is the link.

The elements are on the Main Menu page under the Group Buttons. Group Chat Subscribe is the button to trigger to subscribe. The is part of the page heading in the viewer.

Let me know what else you need.


Hi @jpaynesoftware, :wave:

Thank you for adding us as collaborators.

Could you please provide the steps we need to take to replicate the issue on our end? Specifically, what action on the web page should send a notification?

Best regards,

  1. Preview the page “Main-Menu” using user
  2. Click the Notifications bell in the upper right corner of the screen. This will execute the “Subscribe Push Subscriber A” action passing in the saved Public key from the database.
  3. This will trigger the Push Subscriber A Subscribed event to save the subscription to the Chat Subscribed database.

I can show you how to send a notification but the issue is I can’t get the browser on iPhone to prompt the user to allow notifications when the Subscribe Push Subscriber A is trigged by clicking the bell.

I’m confident notifications will appear if I can get the user subscribed. All works fine on Android/Windows.

The “Chat” button is just to the right of the Subscribe bell. You can click this button and type anything in the chat and send. It should send a notification if subscribed and the subscription is in the Push Subscriptions database for that user.

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Hi Jim @jpaynesoftware, :wave:

Thank you for the detailed information.

I will ask our developers to check the issue regarding the browser on iPhone not prompting the user to allow notifications.

I will keep you posted on any updates.

Best regards,


I noticed support was on earlier today testing. Do you know if you have received any updates on the issue?



Hi Jim @jpaynesoftware, :wave:

Yes, our support team was checking your app earlier today. We have been able to confirm the behavior you were reporting. We’ve now created an investigation task for our developers to check into this further.

I will keep you informed on the progress and update you as soon as we have more information. :pray:

Best Regards,

Any updates from developers? Thanks.

Hello @jpaynesoftware ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

We sincerely apologize for the delay in our latest update. :pray:

We’ve hit a few unexpected snags that are taking time to resolve, and our team is working hard to ensure the update meets your expectations.

We’re committed to delivering a quality update as soon as possible, prioritizing the enhancement of your experience with our product.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated during this time. Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Have a nice day! :sunny: