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Web Push Notifications Plugin for Bubble

Hi Team @Igor @Vasile @dorel @Gulce !
Please tell me about this plugin:

The ChatGPT reported that this plugin works based on OneSignal, but OneSignal cannot be applied to bubble right now. Can I use this plugin or is it no longer relevant?
Thank you!

Hi @alesya.m,

Thank you for your message, and apologies for the delayed response over the weekend. :pray:

The Web Push Notifications Plugin for Bubble doesn’t rely on the OneSignal service. Instead, it enables you to send browser-based push notifications to users who have opted in (agreed to receive notifications), even if they are not actively using your app.

For a smooth integration, we highly recommend reviewing the plugin’s demo editor page and the documentation, making sure to follow the steps in the Setup Guide.

If you have any further questions about the plugin, feel free to reach out.

Best regards, :slight_smile:
Support Team
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Hi @Igor !
Can I send web notifications to multiple users at once? We have an online booking system for golf clubs, each golf club has administrators and each administrator should be able to subscribe to web notifications. And after the user makes a reservation on his side, all administrators (who have subscribed) should receive a notification. Is that possible?
Thank you!

Hi @alesya.m and @rsneha027! :wave:

Thank you both for your questions about the Web Push Notifications Plugin capabilities. Yes, both use cases are feasible and can be achieved, it all depends on your Bubble skills and previous experience. :pray:

Unfortunately, we don’t have a similar use case on our demo page but after consulting with the dev team, here are some general advice and recommendations that I hope will be useful and guide you in the right direction. :slight_smile:

:white_check_mark: Answer for @alesya.m: Sending Web Notifications to Multiple Users (Golf Club Administrators)

Currently, the plugin action - Send Push Notification can send push notifications to only one user at a time. As a workaround you can create a loop that runs the workflow multiple times, dynamically changing the values each time.

  1. Subscription Handling:
    Each golf club administrator can subscribe to web push notifications through your Bubble app. The plugin will generate a unique subscription token for each administrator’s browser when they opt in.

  2. Sending Notifications to a Group:
    You can save JSON object - Push Subscription for each administrator in your database and send a notification to all of them when a booking is made.


    • After a user makes a reservation, trigger a workflow to retrieve all the subscription tokens (object - Push Subscription) of administrators for the respective golf club.
    • Use the plugin’s “Send Push Notification” action in a loop or batch process to send notifications to all relevant administrators.

    Example Workflow:

    • Trigger event: “New Reservation Created”
    • Retrieve the list of subscribed administrators (from your database)
    • Loop through the list and send the web push notification to each subscription token.

This will ensure that all administrators who subscribed to notifications for that golf club will receive the alert.

Please Note: The plugin action Send Push Notification can send push notifications to only one user at a time. However, for your use case, you can create a loop that runs the workflow multiple times, dynamically changing the values each time.

I hope this helps. :pray:

:white_check_mark: Answer to @rsneha027: Sending Notifications to Specific Users Based on Events (Targeted Notifications)

Yes, the plugin supports sending notifications to specific users based on custom events or criteria, like a new booking or an update. You can achieve this by storing user-specific subscription tokens (Push Subscription Object) in your Bubble database and filtering based on their notification preferences.

Here’s how to set this up:

  1. Store Subscription Tokens by User:
    When a user subscribes to notifications, store their subscription token (Push Subscription Object) along with their notification preferences in your database.

  2. Filter Tokens Based on Preferences:
    Before sending a notification, filter the list of tokens to only include users who signed up for specific types of notifications (e.g., golf reservation updates).

  3. Send Notifications to the Filtered List:
    Use the plugin’s “Send Push Notification” action to send notifications to the filtered list.

    Example Use Case:

    • A user makes a new booking.
    • Trigger an event in Bubble to filter users who signed up for “Golf Reservation Updates.”
    • Send a notification to only those users.

:jigsaw: Plugin Limitation to Keep in Mind:

The plugin doesn’t support sending Push notifications to a list of users, so you need to use Bubble solutions to handle this. You can:

  • Send notifications in a loop using Bubble’s recursive workflows.
  • Optimize the process by grouping subscription tokens for batch sending if needed.

To successfully integrate the plugin into your Bubble app, please consult carefully the supporting documentation and demo editor page.

Best regards, :hugs:

Support Team
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Hi @Igor ! Thank you for your reply!
I still can’t finish this task. I’ve set everything up:

  1. Added the plugin element to the admin page
  2. Added a button for subscribing to web push notifications
  3. By clicking on the button, I generate keys for the current golf club (if there are none) and create a subscription with the current user in the database, saving data from the plugin element in the subscription field, current user in the user field and the current club in the club field.
  4. Upon successful booking, there is a send push trigger to the backend. There is a looped action for all administrators of the current club who have subscribed to notifications.
  5. Checking by the logs, the step is being performed, but the user does not receive a notification (Google Chrome)

What could be the problem? Please help and let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks!

Hi @alesya.m,

Thanks a lot for the extra details. :pray:

To understand why this is happening and provide more accurate information, could you please provide us with access to your bubble application?

To grant collaborative access to, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Collaboration.
  3. Enter and click on Invite button.

This will allow us to test the plugin in your environment and identify the possible root cause of the issue you’re experiencing.

Please also provide us with the URL of the editor and the edit right so we can create a separate test page if necessary.

Additionally, could you please provide exact steps on how to recreate the same result you reported above? Don’t forget to mention if we need to log in with a specific user or if we need other credentials :hugs:

Hope to hear from you soon and resolve this behavior!

Best regards :sunflower:

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@dorel Hi!
I replied you in DM. Thank you!


Thank you @dorel and the whole team for your support! Now it’s working and we finished the task!

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Hi @alesya.m,

Thanks a lot for confirming! I’m glad I was able to resolve the issue and the plugin is working as expected now :hugs:

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If you have any questions or concerns about our plugins, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me here on the forum or via email at :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

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