Services Plugins FAQs

What's the difference - SellerID vs. Stripe_User_ID?

We’re using the marketplace express plugin with the Gigster template. Seller onboarding uses the “Connect Standard/Express account” activity and concludes with the “Stripe Marketplace - Complete Standard/Express account connection” activity. The stripe_user_id is saved to the user’s profile.

Now we’re modifying the template’s purchase flow, however, we can’t find information about SellerID (which is frequently referenced and used throughout the Demo builds).

  • What is the difference between SellerID and Stripe User ID?
  • When should it be used?
  • Should it be saved to the user’s data? If so, how is it retrieved (the “Stripe Marketplace - Complete Standard/Express account connection” activity does not offer SellerID as a variable to return)


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Hello @ben2, thank you for reaching out!

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. SellerID and Stripe User ID are the same.
  1. It should be used when the account is connected.
  1. Saving it or not is upon your decision. The action “Stripe Marketplace - Complete Standard/Express account connection” should return SellerID if that does not happen please check your keys. Please consider that you should edit keys as presented in the Demo app and Documentation.

Best Regards,

Thanks @alex.grimacovschi!

Given so much capability, it would really help if terms and references were consistent throughout the plugins and templates.

Hello @ben2,

Thank you for informing us. We will check how the plugin and its documentation can be improved to provide a better user experience.

Best Regards,