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ZQ Rich Text Editor - "Maximum characters" doesn't work

Hi all,

We would like to have maximum count of characters allowed in our Rich text editor.

It should work like this:
When the max character count is filled (200/200 characters), the user would not be able to write any more characters and could still edit the Editor, eg. delete their old text.

Is it possible to do with your plugin?

We can’t have only pop-up showing a message that the user exceeded the character count.

Thank you so much,


Hi @kamila.vankova,
Thank you for reaching out, and sorry for the issue you were facing. :pray:

Definitely should be possible, because the plugin has a dedicated option field to specify the Maximum Characters.
I’ve passed your request to the dev team for additional investigation, once any news will become available I will let you know asap.
Thank you for your understanding.

If I can help you with any additional information - let me know.
Best regards,

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Hello @kamila.vankova,
Thank you for your patience, we highly appreciate using our plugins.

We’ve carefully investigated your use case and allow me to recommend this workaround suggestion from our dev team. In order to restrict the number of characters for the editor, you have to set the value within the plugin element and create this short workflow step using the event: when ZQ Lite RTE Limit Reached → Delete Text ZQRTE. See the screenshot below:

Demo test page: zeroqode-demo-06 | Bubble Editor

Where Index stands for the position of the cursor, meaning it will overwrite from character 15 and the Lenght of the text. If you would like to restrict to 200 characters, you can simply change the number in these expressions and in the plugin element.

Hope the above will be useful to you and will help you achieve the result.
In case we will find a better solution, we will let you know. :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hello Igor,

thank you very much for the detailed reply. Works just as you described. One small thing for future debug, when I copy and paste longer text than is allowed, the editor will still accept the long text.

Best regards,


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Hi Kamila,
Thank you for the reply, glad it worked for you.

Yes, I’ve noticed this as well, unfortunately copying larger text still remains an open topic for us to think about and find a solution.
The above workflow will trigger once you type a new character and the text will adapt to its length restriction. Also, in case you would like to avoid users submitting larger text inside your app you can set conditionals only when This ZQRTE’s Content-Length is equal to or less than 200 characters for instance.

We will continue our investigation regarding your request. Once any news will become available, I will let you know. :slight_smile:
Thank you for your understanding.

Have a great day.

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Hi @kamila.vankova,
Would like to share a workaround for copying larger text that you mentioned above.

By using a Custom event, I was able to trigger the workflow each time the characters excited the restriction of 200 characters, this allows me to trim the text to the limit of 200 characters and still be able to edit the editor.
For more details regarding the workflow, please check the same test page: zeroqode-demo-06 | Bubble Editor
Hope it will be useful.

If you require any further information, let me know.
Best regards, :slight_smile:

Hi Igor,

Awesome, this works great. :slight_smile: Thank you very much for your support.

Best regards,
