Services Plugins FAQs

ZQ RTE: Help with auto updating when auto-binding is set to true

Is there a way to have the ZQ RTE auto update as a user types? Without having to click away from the text to trigger the auto-binding update?

I am using the ZQ RTE in a collaborative environment where other users that are logged in to the system can witness notes being updated in real (or near real) time.

Thank you!

Hi @dan6 ,

Great question! Right now, the ZQ RTE (Advanced Rich Text Editor) updates its bound value only when the user clicks away from the editor. This is a behavior inherited from Quill.js, the underlying library. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in way to trigger auto-binding updates as the user types.

Possible Workarounds

:heavy_check_mark: Use a Workflow to Detect Changes

  • Instead of relying on auto-binding, set up a workflow that runs every X seconds (e.g., every 1 second) to save the editor’s content.
  • Use the “Do every X seconds” workflow action to store the latest value in the database.

:heavy_check_mark: Use the “Text Change” Event (if needed for triggers)

  • Although ZQ RTE doesn’t support real-time auto-binding, you can use the “When input’s value is changed” event to detect changes and trigger a database update.
  • Keep in mind this may not fire on every keystroke due to how Bubble handles input changes.

:heavy_check_mark: Consider Using an External WebSocket-Based Solution for Live Updates

  • Since this is for a collaborative environment, you may need WebSockets or a real-time database (like Firebase or Bubble’s Data API with fast updates) to sync changes instantly across users.

Looking forward to your reply :pray:

Best Regards,
Support Team
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Thanks for the helpful information and the quick response @mina.rotari! Your excellent support is why I choose Zeroqode plugins (over any of the others) first. I will take the information you’ve provided and see what the best solution will be for our needs.

p.s. The Possible Workarounds section is super appreciated!
