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ZQ RTE: Help with numbered list not ordering correctly

Hi folks,

I would love some help with getting my numbered list (and nested numbers) to reset correctly (i.e., nested numbers restarting under a new parent) in the ZQ RTE.

  1. 1.a
  2. 2.a

What I get instead is…

Is there a place to set the default (or desired behavior). Or is this what the plugin is intending to do?

Thank you!

Hi @dan6 ,

Thanks for reaching out!

The behavior you’re experiencing with nested lists not resetting under new parent items is due to a limitation of the Quill.js library, which powers the Advanced Rich Text Editor (ZQ RTE).

Why This Happens

  • Quill.js structures lists based on indentation levels, meaning it treats nested items as continuous rather than resetting numbers under new parents.
  • There’s no built-in setting to automatically restart numbering when creating a new parent item.

Possible Workarounds

:heavy_check_mark: Manually Adjust the List Structure

  • Use the indent/outdent buttons in the toolbar to force the correct list hierarchy.
  • Try removing and reapplying the numbered list formatting.

:heavy_check_mark: Use Bullet Points First, Then Switch to Numbers

  • Formatting the list as bullets and then converting it back to numbers sometimes forces a reset.

:heavy_check_mark: Avoid Formatting Issues When Pasting

  • If you’re copying from another source, try clearing formatting before applying lists.

Next Steps

Since this is a Quill.js limitation, automatic numbering resets aren’t possible within the plugin itself. If manual adjustments don’t work, you may need a custom script to modify the HTML output before saving.

Looking forward to your reply. :pray:

Best Regards,
Support Team
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Thanks for the helpful information and the quick response @mina.rotari! Your excellent support is why I choose Zeroqode plugins (over any of the others) first. I will take the information you’ve provided and see what the best solution will be for our needs.
