Services Plugins FAQs

"Advanced Audio Player" problems

Hello @lorddegenx,

Thank you for your message, and I apologize for the delayed response over the weekend :pray:.

I’m excited to inform you on the latest version of the plugin, 1.53.0. This update introduces separate fields for loop and repeat functionality, enhancing user control over these features.

However, we’ve encountered an issue with the delay functionality due to some interactions with Bubble’s platform that we’ve been unable to overcome. While the delay functions as intended when the loop playlist is enabled — adding a delay between each song file — the delay resets to the initial setting when playing a song from a repeating group or switching songs with the “next” and “previous” actions. Despite our developers’ efforts to resolve this, they’ve identified the issue as stemming from Bubble, and unfortunately, we haven’t found a workaround yet.

I regret starting the week with less than ideal news, and I hope this doesn’t significantly impact your project. I look forward to your feedback once you have a chance to update the plugin.

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hello @lorddegenx,

I hope you’re doing well!

I just wanted to check in and see if you’ve had the opportunity to update the plugin and explore the new features in your application. I’m eager to hear your feedback on how they are working for you.

Best regards :sunflower: