Services Plugins FAQs

☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Unfortunately, this issue is not reproducing on our side.

You need to go with this option:

To select the folder_name/uuid_filename for the Folder structure field. Because based on your S3 bucket, you are using the uuid/filename structure, which is why you are seeing the unique id as a folder name.

And you should be using the folder name of your choice. In case the folder name is not indicated, it will use the unknown/ naming.


Hi, Alex.

Thank you for your reply.

With this option, it does not create any file in S3. The upload process is stuck.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

In this case, could you please add our account to your Settings -> Collaboration list (ignore the warning message regarding app plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us).

Tell us your app name and page name where it occurs on test, as well as exact steps in order to reproduce. Granting the admin rights to your app will speed things up a bit, and if you don’t mind creating a testing page for us where we can tweak the plugin - it would be great.

We’ll investigate it inside your app and get back to you asap!

Note : you can send all details via DM if you will.


Hi @alexandru,

My app name is bostonapp. It is happening in every place (particularly in order_details) where I used the file uploader. I have created a Test page named “qb-test”. I added " []" in collaboration section.

Thank you.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Thanks for sharing your app! We tested the plugin on your side, and everything works fine. The folder_name/uuid_filename is all up-and-running.

To showcase, here are the plugin setups:


As you can see, we set a folder name as folder123, then uploaded a simple image to your S3, and retrieved the S3 objects into a RepeatingGroup. Here are the results:

Everything is working fine!


It is not working with dynamic value. It is working with static value without space in folder name. With a hard-code single word in the folder name, it creates folder as you showed in the screen shot. Please fix this issue.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, it is not a plugin related issue but the workflow logic perhaps. We highly recommend check the steps with debugger on your page.

Here is an example with passing the folder name as dynamic value:

You can give it a try yourself, but it is important to have that value already set up (whether it is being passed from the Parent group’s object, or maybe a data call) when uploading a file to your S3.


It is not working with space in the folder name. It seems to be plugin issue.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Thanks for reporting. Unfortunately, it is a plugin bug indeed. We have already opened a ticket for bugfix. Please let us solve it among with our development team, then get back to you with an update asap!


Hi @kaiumuddin156,

We managed to fix this bug. Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version, refresh your app and give it a try again!


1 Like

Thank you for the quick fix. However, the folder structure in S3 does not look good. _(Underscore) could be used instead of a +(plus). (My suggestion)

After installing the latest update, I am having a new problem now. S3 get All objects does not pull the correct object URL; therefore, a file can not be deleted.

The URL in S3 has + in, but the URL “S3 get All objects” gets has % sign instead of + sign.

This is a new headache for me. Please help me.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, the delete issue is not reproducing on our side. Could you please add our account to your Settings / Collaboration tab (ignore the message regarding plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us).

Tell us your app name and page name where it occurs on test, as well as exact steps in order to reproduce. Granting the admin rights to your app will speed things up a bit, and if you don’t mind creating a testing page for us where we can tweak the plugin - it would be great.

Also, what browser and OS you are using to develop and test your app?

We’ll investigate it inside your app and get back to you asap!

Note : you can send all details via DM if you will.

We are using characters encoding, meaning it cannot be changed I’m afraid.



Hello Alex,

Thank you again. I use windows 10 and google chrome to develop and test my app.

I used when a fileuploader uploading is finished,

I set the state in order_details page

and trigger a custom event.

The custom event does the following actions:

After completing the workflow, It saves Fileuploader’s URLs in my database as I can’t tract who uploaded the file through S3object. The workflow results in a URL link like below:

For the same file, the following workflow

returns the below URL link:

which is totally different from what we got from Fileuploader. For this discrepancy, I can’t delete file.

My workflow and everything were working fine before I install the latest version.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Sorry we cannot proceed yet as we do not have permission to preview your app editor:

Could you please add our account to your Collaboration list. :pray:


Please allow me some time. I am adding your team.

has been added in the collaboration section. App name is bostonapp.

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Thanks a lot! I’ll get back to you with working solutions asap!


Hello @alexandru,
Any update?

Hi @kaiumuddin156,

Sure, we just pushed a new update. Please give it a try again and let me know how it goes!


Hello Alex,

I updated the plugin. The problem still exists.

A fileuploader provides list of URLs in a workflow. Right? I want to store those URLs in database.

The stored URLs from A Fileuploader element is different than the actual URL of S3.

The highlighted part of my stored URL has percentage (%) in the folder name.

The URLs we got using “Get All Objects” do not contain percentage in the folder Name. Please see the highlighted part of the following photo.

I want to delete files using the URLS saved in my database, not the URLs of “Get All Objects”. Because, it is time consuming.

Thank you