Services Plugins FAQs

☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hello, @jlexer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for using our plugin and for your report. Our plugin developer will take a look at it and I get back to you as soon as there is an update.

Thank you :sunflower:


Can you please update your plugin to the latest 1.141.0 version and check if it is fixed on your end?

Hope it helps. :slightly_smiling_face:

Is there a workaround, for now, to restrict certain file types from uploading, in particular?..

Hello @vrooktreat ,
Thank you for reaching out to us for assistance.

We’ve checked our demo page for the AWS File Uploader. We’re pleased to inform you that you can indeed restrict the upload of certain file types, like .png files, directly within your application editor. This can be easily configured in the File Extension setting of the plugin element.

Attached is a screenshot demonstrating exactly where and how you can set this up.

Also, feel free to use our documentation for this plugin where you can also find this information :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


I updated to the latest version and now when I click the uploader on my my iphone, it opens the camera app (not the camera library, but the actual camera) I can’t exit the camera without hitting cancel. I need it to open the camera library.

with the noGUI component there’s an issue with saving information with worflow when fileNoGui_ended.
When it’s the first activation on the page, the entry data is empty (despite the upload is ok), next time it’s ok.
same behaviour on you demo site. how to fix that ?
with the latest version even with the GUI compoent we have the same issue (must keep the non revamp version)

Other point since the revamp on the gui component, i see no more thumbnail options. will it be back ?


Hi @jeffmccutcheon and,

Thank you both for reaching out!

@jeffmccutcheon, our development team is on top of the issue you’ve reported, and a fix is on its way. Rest assured, I’ll keep you updated on the progress and let you know as soon as the update with the fix is available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused., I’m concerned I may not have fully grasped the problem you’re experiencing. If I’ve misunderstood, please clarify.

Are you saying that after the “FileUpload NoGUI Upload Ended” event triggers and you initiate a “create a new thing” action, the source (FileUploaderNoGUI’s URL) appears to be empty? In our tests on the plugin’s demo page, we didn’t face this issue; the URL was captured and successfully saved to the database. This applies to both the GUI and NoGUI uploaders. Could you please share a screen recording of this behavior, using a platform like Loom? It would help us greatly in understanding and addressing the issue more effectively.

Regarding your second question, could you elaborate on what you mean by “Thumbnail”? Are you referring to the text placeholder of the element, or the preview images of the uploaded files?

We’re awaiting your response to assist you further. :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

is there a version I can roll back to that will work?

Well I reproduce the pb on your demo page with noGUI component (the GUI component doesn’t work on your demo)
once the page load, the first upload don’t store the source on DB via workflow

you can see on the DB empty source entries
and I notice other point , when you try a new upload, the entry then stores the previous doc source (the last entry db should have the doc4 copy source you can see on the last capture.

the gui component has same issue

so i used the 1,163 which works well

about thumbnails, previous versions had thumbnails generation option. that disapeared.

Hello @jeffmccutcheon,

You might want to try version 1.163.0, as it could potentially align with your requirements. If it doesn’t resolve the issue, please consider downgrading to a previous version to see if that helps.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. :pray:


Thank you for providing additional details. I’ve now experienced the same issue you described and have forwarded this information to our development team for a resolution. Rest assured, I will keep you updated on the progress and notify you as soon as an update is released that addresses this issue.

Regarding the thumbnails, they have been deprecated from our plugin. If they are crucial to your application, we suggest staying with version 1.163.0 once it becomes available.

Best regards to both of you :hibiscus:

My uploader is running the “fileuploader uploading is finished” workflow for every photo that uploads (If I upload 500 photos at once it runs 500 times (creating 500 new galleries)

Hello @jeffmccutcheon,

This is the intended behavior for the “uploading is finished” event to trigger after each upload completes, with each URL being saved to the database as a separate entry. Could you please provide a little more detail about your use case? This will help me better understand how I can assist you. :pray:

Additionally, I’m pleased to inform you that we’ve released a new update - version 1.166.0 - which resolves the issue of the NoGUI automatically activating the camera.

Best regards :hibiscus:

hi. I’m uploading 100s of photos to a gallery. I do not create an object for each photo, but rather add them all to a list (a single field under the gallery object called “photos”)

When uploading to an existing gallery I don’t notice (I guess since bubble doesn’t allow duplicates in lists, every time it adds to the list, it ignores those that are already in there)

But when my workflow creates a new gallery, it creates a gallery for every photo (the first containing one, the 2nd containing 2 images, and so on). I guess I just figured out how to fix it, I’ll just create the gallery first and then add to it. However is this adding 100s of workflows to my invoice for every upload?

One more question. is it possible to upload an image from our bubble storage? (or just any image from a URL)

Hi @jeffmccutcheon,

Thank you for the additional information!

To address your workflow for the “create a new thing” action, you can incorporate an “Only when” condition to ensure it triggers only when the total upload percentage reaches 100%. This means the action will only execute once the upload is fully complete. Here is how I managed to set it up.

As for your second query, our plugin includes an “upload file/files” action, which facilitates file uploads by using URLs from Bubble or other platforms. I recommend exploring this functionality further at your convenience. :pray:

Best regards :sunflower:

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Hello everyone,
Dorel here from the Zeroqode Support Team :wave:

We’re thrilled to share a significant update for the AWS File Uploader plugin - version 1.167.0 :hugs:

We’ve optimized the plugin’s code for better efficiency and improved the Delete actions to ensure they perform optimally.

We encourage you to explore the latest version and experience the improvements firsthand. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts once you’ve had the opportunity to try it out.

Wishing everyone well and hope you’re all staying healthy :sunflower:

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Hi there, I’m using the “only when” condition to ensure my “create gallery” action does not happen until the upload percentage is 100%. It works if there are more than 4 files. however if there are 4 or fewer files, it creates as many galleries as there are files.

Hi @jeffmccutcheon,

After conducting some tests, I’ve encountered the same issue you described. I’ve initiated a task for our development team to investigate and provide further insights into the cause of this behavior. I’ll be sure to update you with more information as soon as it becomes available.

Best regards :sunflower:

Hi @jeffmccutcheon,

We’ve released an update for the AWS plugin - version 1.168.0. This update addresses the issue with saving multiple entries in the database. No adjustments are needed on your part; simply update the plugin and verify the fix.

To update, navigate to the “plugins” tab in your Bubble editor, select the AWS plugin, and choose the latest version from the dropdown menu.

Looking forward to your feedback :pray:

Best regards :hibiscus:

Hello @jeffmccutcheon,

Have you had a chance to update the plugin and check out the new features? I’m eager to know if the issue you were experiencing has been resolved.

Please drop me a message whenever you have a moment :pray:

Best regards :sunflower: