Services Plugins FAQs

☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hi there,
I’ve been using the AWS Uploader in my Bubble app for a while now but am having an issue with the file names. It’s saving it as {bucket}/{uuid}/{filename}

However, if I upload a file with name “testfile.mp3” it saves the file as “testfilemp3” (i.e., no period between the file name and extension). I’m running into an issue in another process that needs that period in the file name, but can’t seem to figure out what I have wrong. Any ideas?

Hello @Ecaterina

We take the URL of the image generated by OpenAI and store it in a Bubble database.

Then we take the URL stored in the database and load the images in the Bubble database with the option “save S3”.

And finally using the list of images stored in the Bubble database, we use the Upload Files FileUploaderNoGui action to upload the images in our AWS S3 instance.


The images stored in the Bubble database have all the attributes of URL, Size and Type.

But when they are uploaded to Aws S3 using the FileUploadNoGui action you can see that the type is not shown

Hello, @dseib85
Thanks for reaching out.

I would recommend you use this Folder Structure:

Using it, even your audio file will be uploaded in a next way:

Hope that would help you.
Best regards,

Hello, @luis

We recreated your workflow on our test page, where we added API, which pulls up pictures. After it, we save them and upload them to AWS.
However, on our side, it works and the type is also recorded in our AWS Bucket:

Here you can find our settings:

Since our plugin is working properly, I assume that the issue is related to the files you upload. Even on your screen, files don’t have a format ( type of files for AWS):

Unfortunately, it is not something I can help you with, since the issue is related to the files, not plugin.
Best regards,

Hi Ecaterina,

I have a question regarding the auto-setup feature of the CORS policies.

Which allowed origin do I have to enter for my Bubble app. And do Ii have to add “set standart cross-origin” everytime I use this plugin or do I just have to run the test-page once and click the button? If so, how does this work with the different versions of my application? E.g. do I have to click the button everytime I deploy a new version to live?

Many thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hello, @annabell
Thanks for your question.

As an Allowed Origins, you should add the link to your application.
In our case, we are using this link ( link for our demo page):

On a test page, add a button and add the action “Set standard Cross-origin”. Add the “origin” and include the allowed methods to access your bucket and for can manipulation with files.
You need to click on that button just once.

No, you should click the button just once and test if each selected method works properly.
After deploy, you also can test the performance on version live, so you can see if that works.

Best regards,

Hey all!

Through this message, I’m happy to announce that we significantly updated the plugin’s documentation, and now, it’s really detailed and extensive :dizzy: :partying_face:

Check it out here:

Hope it will simplify the configuration of the plugin.
Best regards,

Hey folks, is there an easy/suggested way to make the upload fields required?

It would be nice if there was a checkbox on the element like default Bubble form fields that defines it as required and then stops processing the workflow if it’s empty + allows you to set conditional styles if it’s not valid.

Hello, @liz. Thanks for your question.

We have added your request to the plugin’s possible improvements list. Once this feature is released in the plugin - we will inform users on the forum.

Meanwhile, you can try to set the constraint “Only when the Fileuploader GUI’s value is not empty”.

Hope it helps!

1 Like

We had been using an older version of the plugin and just now updated to the latest (1.136.0) which says “migrate plugin to new version” under the notes.

This version doesn’t work for us (no files get uploaded and no errors are returned).

Version 1.135.0 works fine.

Is there some other replacement version of the plugin that’s meant to be used? Or did we miss a news update about changes between 1.135.0 and 1.136.0?

I’m not sure what’s changed between the two versions that would cause issues.

Hello, @liz! Thanks for your message. :slightly_smiling_face:

Under the 1.136.0 version, the AWS File Uploader plugin was moved to Node 18. This should not affect the plugin work in the client’s apps (it is not affecting it on the plugin demo page as well).

Can you please describe what exactly is not working on your end, using the 1.136.0 version? Please create a short video (Loom/Bubbles) and reproduce the abovementioned issue including the browser console tab. Please also let us know the device you were using to reproduce the issue, its OS (version), and its browser (version).


Hi @kate , I captured a video of the behavior via loom. Is there an email I can send the link to? I’m on a Mac (Monteray), Chrome (latest version).

I am getting errors in the console.

Another question: The No GUI FileUpload doesn’t seem to have many of the same options that the Uploader with GUI does… namely the ability to restrict to certain file types or filesize.

Is this intentional, or will it some day have the same options?

Is there a workaround, for now, to restrict certain file types from uploading, in particular?

@liz ,

Please feel free to send an issue-related video here, in DM messages, or at my email

It was made intentionally in the beginning. But we will reconsider this decision :slightly_smiling_face:
Please let me know which features from the GUI Uploader element you find necessary for the noGUI Uploader to have, except for these:
filesize (max/min), placeholder, folder structure, folder name, add a prefix to the filename, prefix name, max files, and file extensions

Thanks :pray:

Hi @Kate we use the noGUI Uploader to upload non-image files like pdf (it makes a lot more sense to just display the filenames in a list rather than a thumbnail) so it would be helpful to be able to limit which file types are allowed.

For example, we really don’t want someone to upload a 1gig .mov file.

It sounds as though there is no way to set a max file size for these uploads?


Thanks for the clarification. I have passed our request to the plugin manager for the improvement request investigation. I will get back to you once there is any update on this matter.

Thank you for your patience :sunflower:

I want to be able to make it so only my application can view, edit and delete any files in my bucket.

@liz, thank you for your patience. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m glad to let you know that with the latest plugin update (1.140.0) you can achieve the functionality you wanted. Namely, we have added the “Disable Preview” checkbox to the GUI element. Thus, if you activate this checkbox, your file will be instantly uploaded to your bucket without a preview.

Unfortunately, we were unable to achieve your initial request due to internal objective reasons (changing the noGUI element). And still, we hope the new update will be useful for you.

Let us please know if there is anything else we can help you with.

Hello, @vrooktreat. Thank you for your request.

To achieve your goal, you have to set up your AWS bucket security policies. For your convenience, please check the plugin documentation (Setting CORS and Politics → Second Mode: Manual Setting):

Hope it helps. :sunflower:

Hopefully, a much simpler question than most are asking here. I’m having no problems uploading files to my S3 using the UI method. Our use case is selecting the Many Files option with a Max Files=50 limit. The problem I am incurring (which is making our users frustrated) is the the “Hide ScrollBar” option appears to not work. Whether it is checked or not, no scroll bar appears. My Fileuploader has a fixed height and that can display 6 thumbnails. However, if I attempt to load more than 6, the scrollbar does not appear. While the upload functionality is working well (all files place in the object are uploaded), the fact that users cannot view the thumbnails of all the files they have placed in the object is a source of significant confusion.