Services Plugins FAQs

☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hello, @divypratap73
Happy to hear that from you.

If you like our plugin, could you please rate it by going to the Plugins tab in Bubble editor? You can find the plugin by name and give it as many stars as it deserves :smiley:
Thanks! :pray:

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just dropped it :wink:

Best regards
Divy p.

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Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks a lot for your feedback.

If I can help you with anything else - let me know :slight_smile:

Best regards,


Hi @Ecaterina is it possible to add “this input should not be empty” option in plugin ?

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for your question.

Right now, there is no possibility to add this condition directly to the plugin element. I will discuss with our team the possibility to add this condition for future plugin updates. We need to see how feasible it will be for us.
As a workaround, you can put the plugin element inside the group and set the conditions for the group, like “When FileUploader A is empty, change background color”:

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

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@Ecaterina can you please tell me why file uploader preview have some blue tint background in my app
while in demo its transparent , i tried same setting with demo editor but its not working for me
please check here -

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for letting me know about your issue.

I suppose that you have a background color set for the plugin element. Please check it here:

Check it out and let me know about your result.
Best regards,

No i checked it already there’s no background color select for plugin
That’s why i got confused why its not showing any color in demo but in my application

Hello, @divypratap73
I’m sorry to hear that.

In order to define what’s wrong and why you see the background color of the element, please share with me the screenshots of your current settings for the plugin element ( all the settings, including the style of the element).
Also, in case you grouped elements, please share the settings of the group.

Best regards,


Due to the fact that we have some additional questions regarding your settings, can you please add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators to your application and provide me a link to your application? This will allow us to check your settings and run some tests to fix the mentioned problem.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, you need to do the following steps in the Bubble Editor:

Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Note: avoid the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

Best regards,

I am using AWS File Uploader Plugin to upload image files to AWS account (S3).

Everything is working great.

Now I have the following use case for which I have not found how to implement it using this plugin.

I have a functionality that generates images using the OpenAI API, which are displayed in a Repeating Group using the returned value (text type) of the OpenAI API call and that contains the URL (external link) where the image is located and that is used as an attribute in an Image element.

The user must select which images he wants to be saved in his account in our application.

When selecting the images the next actions should be to take the URL (external link) of the selected image and use it to upload that image in our AWS account (S3) where the images of our application are stored.

Given this scenario I must be able in the Workflow to take the value of the URL (external link) and pass it to the AWS File Uploader Plugin so that the image can be uploaded to the S3 bucket.

Is it possible to implement this use case with this plugin?

I appreciate your support.

Hello, @luis
Thanks for reaching out.

Please allow me to discuss this suggestion with our development team. We need to see how feasible it would be to implement such a feature on our end.
Before that, I can recommend you separately save the links for the files from the OpenAI API and upload them through the “Upload Files FileUploadNoGUI” to your bucket:

I suppose that this action could help you right now to achieve your goal.

Best regards,

Hey, @luis

I’ve just discussed with our team the possibility to implement the feature you requested, and I want to note that it is possible to reach that without improving something. Please find here an instruction for implementing:

This would help you to save time and upload the required file to AWS.

Hope it will be helpful.
Best regards,

Hi @Ecaterina, thanks for the effort in looking for an alternative to implement.

We have carried out the implementation following the guide and appropriate to our use case, but the result has not been satisfactory.

Below I describe the use case, the error that occurs and how we implemented it.

Step 1.

We have a screen in which we define the Prompt, the amount of images and the resolution of these images.

The result of the OpenAI Dall-E API is loaded in a Custom State File Type. The values used with the Data/URL.

The images are generated and loaded through a RG and displayed correctly.

Test application screen

API Open AI - Configuration

Test application screen - Elements & Workflow

Step 2.

For each image in the RG we have a Save button in AWS S3.

This button uses a “FileUploadNoGui” element and an “UploadFile File UploadNoGui” action in the Workflow, using the current value of the URL given by the OpenAI API corresponding to the selected image.

When clicking on the “Save to AWS S3” button, the permissions error that can be seen in the screenshot appears.

I have tested from the browser, opening the image in a new TAB and saving the image from the URL given by OpenAi and it works fine.

But I can’t get it to work from our App.

I have also tested with the Plugin that you have called “Convert URLs To File” but the result is the same.

Test application screen with error

Test application screen - Elements & Workflow

Hello, @luis

I apologize that my previous suggestion did not prove to be helpful for you. I would like to bring to your attention that the effectiveness of a workflow can vary depending on the specific user scenario. Unfortunately, it is not possible to anticipate every workflow that a user may wish to implement.

As I can see from the attached error, the issue is related to the CORS policies. Your bucket just didn’t accept the images, which could be related to your default settings or the way files are generated and saved.
Here you can find the same requests, where API data wasn’t fetched by the platform (not related to the plugin performance):

Hope it would be helpful.
Best regards,

Thank you @Ecaterina for the additional information.

I have been performing tests taking into consideration what you have indicated and I have managed to get the upload of files generated from OpenAI Dall-E to work.

I have managed to get it to work as follows:

  1. Use a single workflow (Custom event).
  2. In that same workflow I place the following actions:

Step 1 - The call to the OpenAI Dall-E API.

Step 2 - I create a temporary record to store the URLs of the images generated by OpenAI.

Step 3 - With the stored URLs I load the images from OPENAI to Bubble (saved to S3).

Step 4 - With the images stored in Bubble I upload them to my AWS S3 Bucket using the “FileUploadNoGui” action.

If these 4 steps are together in the same workflow it works, any other combination has failed me with a Error of access.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

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Hello, @luis
Thanks for these details.

I’m happy that you were able to find a solution for your use case.
In case we can help you with anything else - let us know.

Best regards,


I’ve been using the “Upload Files FileUploadNoGUI” action in the workflow to grab images stored in Bubble (save to s3) and upload them to my AWS S3 instance.

At the time of testing the images are uploading fine to my AWS S3 instance, but when trying to access the values returned by the “FileUploadNoGui Upload End” event at the end there are values that are returned empty (null).

For example the value of URL, Size, Type are empty. The values of width and height return a value but it is not correct.

I am using version 1.123.0 of the plugin.

Generate & Save Image

Image with information

Button Save

Get image information

Display information of image

Hello, @luis
Thanks for reporting your issue and sorry for my long reply.

I assume that you receive empty values for some files because you receive these files through the API.
Most likely, some of the information that should be inherent in every file is simply missing when it is displayed and saved in your application.

Can you please let me know if the Data Source for “Files” is the Bubble DB or API result?
If files are stored in your DB, please let me know if the files, which values are null, has any values, recorded in your DB too.

Best regards,