Services Plugins FAQs

☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hello, @dhnotes
thanks for your patience.

I would like to notify you that we have fixed the recording of the Original File name in the Bubble DataBase. Please update the plugin to the latest version (1.110.0) and give it a try.

Hope it will work for you.
Best regards,

Hello, @Ecaterina

The multiple upload works and each name registers well in the bubble and in AWS.

Unfortunately it’s the prefix that is no longer registered on S3 whereas in my previous tests it was correct. It is replaced by “prefix”.



Best regards,

i am not displaying data on my own popup, i was talking about an inbuilt crop popup in plugin, it was displaying the same image, actually problem is when i select .jpg file to crop again and again on same uploader than its working fine , but if i select other image extension file it shows me previous image with .jpg
please do check the video i recorded

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for the recorded video. It helped me :pray:

There is no such error on our side. Please check this video:

I can easily upload another file, using the plugin element. can you please add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators to your application and provide me a link to your application? This will allow us to check your settings and run some tests to fix the mentioned problem.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, you need to do the following steps in the Bubble Editor:

Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Note: avoid the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

Looking to hear you soon.

Hello, @dhnotes
Thanks for this information and sorry for this inconvenience.

Currently, our team is working on this issue :pray:
We are doing our best to fix it in the nearest time.

Thanks for your understanding.
Best regards,

Hello @Ecaterina
you have the same problem in your recorded video, why you ignored it ?
when you are uploading last image in video , it was png , it didn’t show you the correct image to crop
please do check your recorded video again, you will get the problem i am talking about

best regards…

Hello @Ecaterina

Unfortunately it’s the prefix that is no longer registered on S3 whereas in my previous tests it was correct. It is replaced by “prefix”.

There is the problem also for the download of a single file
I went back to version 1.109.0

Best regards,

Hello, @divypratap73

Please note the behavior, about that you are talking from my last video, because of the speed of the file uploading.
The file was too big, thus uploading was finished faster, than the file was updated in the pop-up.
Here is one more video:

Can you please let me know the size of the file you are trying to upload? I suppose that exactly this is the reason for such behavior.

Best regards,

Appreciate you tried it again
But you tried with all jpg images, just try uploading with random image file extension
Please try exactly as follows

  1. First upload .jpg image and crop it
  2. Upload png image

When you will do 2nd step it will show you image of 1st step i.e jpg image

Cropping feature only works when you upload same file extension image everytime
That’s the problem
Please let me know after testing


Hello, @dhnotes

Can you please describe this issue in more detail?
I’ve just tried to upload a single file, recording it in our database, and this action was successful. Thus, I need to understand more about your settings.

I’m looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,


I will discuss with our developer team if it is something we can fix and will revert to you with an update :pray:
Thanks for your understanding.

Best regards,

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Hello @Ecaterina

Can you please describe this issue in more detail?

Here my test of upload and record a single file in bubble :



and the result in database :

the expected result should be:

name: T1-111101.jpg and no **prefix** i think
For S3 url, there is the right prefix “T1-11” but in the name theris is “prefix_”

For orignal name it’s OK.

The same process in v 1.109, with the same workflow and front element, the result is:

Look the first line.

Best regards,

Hello, @dhnotes

As I understand correctly the information from your previous message, the issue is not in uploading a single file, but in recording its name.

The issue is related to the prefix recording, and this behaviour you can test with uploading multiple files.
As I mentioned earlie, our Development team is already working on that :pray:

Best regards,

Hi @Ecaterina any update on this fix !

best regards
Divy p.

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for your patience.

Please note that the plugin will be deployed in the nearest time, so the issue will be fixed.
I will let you know once it will be ready.

Best regards,

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Hello, @divypratap73 and @dhnotes
Thanks for your patience.

By this message I would like to notify you that we’ve just deployed the plugin and you can successfully upgrade it to the latest version.
In the last version we fixed the Prefix parameter and behavior of the pop-up, during uploading a single file.

Please check the latest version and let me know about your results.
Best regards,

Hi @Ecaterina thanks for the update, i just checked the update, its working fine for most popular image file extensions except .webp(which is a widely used image type for fast page load processing)
you can test by following →

  1. upload any .jpg or .png file
  2. than upload .webp image

you will find same problem like earlier

Best regards
Divy p.

Hello, @divypratap73

Please let me check this with out development team to see if anything is possible in this case.
I will revert to you ASAP.

Best regards,

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Hello, @divypratap73

By this message, I would like to notify you that we have updated the plugin and added more popular file formats in the plugin’s code, so now, the pop-up is updating correctly.
Please upgrade the plugin’s version and give it a try.

Best regards,

Hey @Ecaterina
thanks for update
now its working fine for me as it should be , thanks for listening to my problem and providing update
truly appreciated your effort and zeroqode team

Best regards
Divy p.

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