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☁️ AWS File Uploader - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Thank you for your research :pray:.
I will also see to adapt my workflow with uuid.

Sorry but I have two other questions,

1/ I can have file names with Asian characters, like this:

These characters are also removed, is it normal?

2/ In GUI mode, when I upload several files (with or without special characters), they arrive well in the S3 bucket but the bubble workflow always saves me the same file name.

I made two tests, one with 3 files and the last with 2 files:

My workflow:

I reproduced your example but I must have missed something.

Best regards,

Is it possible to save file in bucket under subfolder like folder1/folder2/folder3 … ?
its useful if i want to save images for particular user for different use case and would be easy to retrieve them back to my app

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for your question.

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to create subfolders during the file uploading.
Please note that you can use the dynamic folder name, so each of your users will be able to upload the files to their own bucket and you, as a bucket owner, will be able to sort these folders by the user.

You can create a title for each folder, like “Current user name/email”.

I suppose it will be useful for you.
Best regards,

i already achieved folder naming with customer name as folder , but still with that manual work left for me to do arranging data in bucket

Hello, @dhnotes
Thanks for these questions.

Let me check if it’s possible to upload files with Asian characters to the platform and if this request could be proceeded by the platform.

Can you please let me know the plugin version you are using? Previously, it was fixed by our development team.

From my side, I will check all this information and will revert to you ASAP.

Best regards,


As was noted in my previous message, it is not possible to create a subfolder automatically. You can do it only manually by accessing each user’s folder.

I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Best regards,

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Hello @Ecaterina

I use version 1.108.0.

Best Regards,

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Thanks for the details.

I will revert to you with an update as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Weird behavior of plugin and its unusable if you want to create your own thumbnail , it create same url of all files on multiple file upload if i disable preview and thumbnail
it only create right database entry with uploaded url only if preview and thumbnail checked (enabled)
though it upload correct images on s3 bucket but don’t fetch and create right url entry on bubble db

so that mean using this plugin for multiple file upload , first i have to use GUI uploader and top of that i have to enable preview and thumbnail option :unamused:
check video for detail explanation

also cropping popup showing previous image on uploading new image on same uploader if “image file name contains space or special character like (),_ etc…”

Hello, @divypratap73
Thanks for using our plugin and sorry for this inconvenience.

I need to note that currently, our team is fixing the issue with recording the files in the DB.
Additionally, I will check your video once again and will revert to you with an update.

Best regards,

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Hello, @dhnotes @divypratap73

By this message, I would like to notify you that we pushed a plugin update with the next fixes:

  • File uploader is finished action with many files;
  • We created the state for returning the Original File name ( in case you need to store it);

The issue with Asian symbols is still under review since it is not so easy to predict the plugin behavior with different languages.

Please upgrade the plugin to the latest version and give it a try.
Best regards,

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thanks ecaterina, that’s quick update, will definatly do a test now

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just start testing new update and that’s what i am seeing

Hello, @divypratap73

Are all these events related to the AWS File Uploader?
If yes, it seems like the uploader is missing on the page, that’s why you can see these errors.

Please place the File Uploader Element on your page one more time and mention it in your workflow.
If it was not helpful for you and even after placing the element you see the same issue, please add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators to your application and provide me a link to your application.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, you need to do the following steps in the Bubble Editor:

Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Note: avoid the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

Best regards,


Additionally, I need to note that there was a bug on the Bubble Side, however, it was fixed already:

Everything should work properly now.
Best regards,

Hello @Ecaterina

Thank you for this quick update.

After some testing, I confirm that saving multiple files in Bubble is done correctly based on each file name of the bucket.

Unfortunately, the store of the original name is based on the name of the last file at each iteration, here is the example:


Here, two upload of four files


For Asian symbols this looks good for these tests. I will continue with other languages.

It’s a great update for me :pray:

Best regards,

Hello, @dhnotes
Happy to hear that our fix was helpful for you.

Indeed, original file names are saved not correctly, in case you upload many files at once. Allow me to discuss this point with our Developers and revert with an update as soon as possible.

We are still working on this. We need to add some additional functions for different language formats. It will be ready in the next plugin updates.

I will revert with an update immediately after the plugin update.
Best regards,

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Issue with cropping image still not working
cropping popup still showing previous image for cropping when i try to use same uploader to upload new image without refreshing the page
i think there could be easy fix from your side if you guys reset popup data on popup closed / crop and cancel button
please let me know if you didn’t get the problem i would happy to capture video and drop it here

and another thing can i restrict image uploader to show image file name on upload ?

Divy p.

Hey all!

We are happy to announce our last improvement, which will make setting up this plugin easier for many of you :dizzy:
As you may know, the CORS configuration of the Bucket is a must for getting our plugin workable. Now, it is possible to configure it by adding a simple action to your workflow, which can save a lot of time for you! :tada: :tada: :tada:

There are two ways for this:
- Our new function for auto-setup of the CORS policies:

On a test page, add a button and add the action “Set standard Cross-origin”. Add the “origin” and include the allowed methods to access your bucket and for can manipulation with files.

- Manual configuration, following this guidance:

We hope that it would be helpful for you and your new projects.
Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

Hello, @divypratap73

Please record a video ( once again) where you reproduce this error. I need to understand the entire process of uploading your files and the methods of opening\closing the pop-up.

Also, you can try to reset the information in the popup by using this action

Usually, in order to reset any element, you need to implement the required action, since data will not be changed.

Please try it and let me know about the result.
Best regards,