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AWS File Uploader - S3 objects help

I have just started using AWS File Uploader & it works very smoothly - thanks for such a great product!

I need some help with S3 Object’s Get All Files from S3 function. I do not need ALL files - just the ones that were uploaded in the last batch. How can I get the File URLs & Filenames of the files that were uploaded in one batch only (of multiple files) - and not all the files in a bucket.

Our use case is that patients will be uploading their reports etc. over a period of weeks/months. And we wish to identify each batch of documents uploaded by a uniqueID so we can track them through our AI engines that are working in the backend.

Thanks in advance!

@Ecaterina - can you help with this query please? Thanks in advance!

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Hello, @ajaybakshi
Thanks for your appreciation and for using our plugin.

In this case, please allow me to recommend you retrieve the files from the specific Folder.

In case you will specify the name of the folder on the S3 bucket, you will get the files from it. If the Folder name is left empty, the action will get all the files from the bucket.

So, please allow me to recommend you to use different folders for different types of reports, which will be uploaded by your patients. It will simplify the uploading of the reports for the exact period.

Please check this option and let me know if it is convenient for you.
Best regards,