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AWS uploader plug help! (Date is not the same as X-Amz-Date)

Can anyone help me with why I’m getting this error with the aws plugin? thanks!


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

AuthorizationHeaderMalformedThe authorization header is malformed; Invalid credential date. Date is not the same as X-Amz-Date.B1F4B7A06B4B89CBvx+mFM+w6ZpnYuGD5nkid6GMB3z1ZcK3c42h21ABzflffxnsWWy00EwJZYiOu6rJJUq9uHSKJQs=

i just replied to you on Bubble forum - it looks like a Bubble bug and I suggested to file a bug report at

Thanks for the quick reply - I submitted bug report to bubble! thank you!

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Is it fixed? Because Me and someone else are facing this issue too.

Are you on the latest version of the plugin?

Yes We are both on version 1.24

I get exact the same error. but only between 7-8pm and midnight… like it’s in a different time zone or something.

I encourage everyone to file a bug with bubble as Levon suggested. I did so and they basically said since no one else has mentioned this they are going to let zeroqode deal with it.

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this might be very helpful, Jeff, i’ll repost on other threads that are opened for the same problem

Hello, @oiplive @ff591377 @jeffmccutcheon

Thanks your patience, we’re here still collaborating with Amazon support and Bubble support to find and solution and fix the issue. And surely we are debugging it ourselves while waiting a response from both sides. We pushed an update to plugin, so please upgrade to latest version and give it try.
Please report any strange behavior.
Thanks for understanding.


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Hello everyone! @jeffmccutcheon @oiplive @ff591377

We worked on the update to fix the “The authorization header is malformed” error . Please upgrade to latest version, place elements on page, refresh the app and give it a try.
Thanks for patience and understanding.

If something may seem wrong please report it! Thanks.

Here’s a few items uploaded to AWS during midnight using demo page:
