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Bug in Fuzzy Search & Autocorrect?

Wondering if update 1.26 could have caused a 10x spike in my WUs for Individual Data Request. My app, under basically the same usage, with no new pushes to Live, has gone from 3-4K WUs per day to 20K WUs per day!

Hello @prograds ,
Thank you for reaching out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Could you please double-check the name of the plugin you are currently using?

Wondering if update 1.26 could have caused a 10x spike in my WUs for Individual Data Request. My app, under basically the same usage, with no new pushes to Live, has gone from 3-4K WUs per day to 20K WUs per day!

As Search & Autocorrect doesn’t have a 1.26 version, to avoid confusion pleas go to your plugins tab, check the full name of the plugin and the current version.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hey @prograds,

I hope you are doing well, let us know if you figured it out already and found out what was causing the WU spike.

Also, I recommend always using the last version for any plugin.

If you have additional questions, feel free to reach out.

Hi. Thanks. I am still concerned that the Fuzzy Search & Autocomplete plugin is causing heavy WU. In the Bubble logs I’m seeing really heavy Individual Data Requests at the same time that the Fuzzy Search is loaded on a page. I wonder about cacheing these searches?
Is it possible that a change in the plugin around July 6 caused a big change in how many data requests the plugin is making?


Same issue here. I’ve got a Fuzzy Search using 16-18K WU doing a search on a 30,000entry database, causing the page to crash.

Hi @prograds and @timmarcie,

Please accept my apologies for the delayed reply over the weekend :pray:

Version 1.26.0 includes a couple of changes that reduced WU consumption, and this has been confirmed by several users. This update was released on January 15th, so if you were using this version for a long time, the spike did not come from the plugin itself.

The latest version - 1.32.0 - was released on July 19th, with the version before this released on June 13th. From what I know, no changes were made to the actual code of the plugin in these updates.

The cause might be some changes Bubble made, but I cannot confirm this as we do not know what changes they implemented. Also, please check the number of users accessing your application, as an increase in users could lead to increased WU usage by your application. I also recommend reaching out to bubble support at, and I hope they could give more details about it!

We will try our best to assist, but without more details, our hands are tied :frowning:

Best regards :sunflower:


I’ve got version 1.18.0 just recently installed from the 15 plugin bundle offer. This seems to be the latest version.

Is the latest version from the bundle different from the standalone plugin??

Thank you!

Hi @timmarcie,

The plugin you are referring to is called “Search & Autocorrect”. This plugin also has not received any recent code updates. Did you notice this large WU consumption recently? For a 30k entry database, I recommend the Pro version of Fuzzy Search, as it was designed to work with larger databases. However, a 30k database is still substantial in terms of WU usage and device performance.

Best regards :hibiscus: