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📍 Fastest Google Places Autocomplete - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hello @Dumitru, I hope you are well!

I am trying to use the Plugin to extract the Name of a Google Place and insert the Place Name into a field within the same repeating group cell.

The setup is such:

  • The “Search” field is inside of each Repeating Groups Cell.
  • Each Cell also has the field I am trying to overwrite, referred to as “Location Name”.

I am experiencing two things that are not happening when the Search Input is outside of the Repeating Group

  1. The “Search Input Field” only functions inside of the first cell (top cell) in the Repeating Group. This being said I cannot search for a different address in the rest of the cells in the RG.

  2. When I select the Location out of the List (in the first Cell) it is applying the result to the bottom cells “Location name” first and then up the list to the second to last cell, then third to last cell… ect., all the way to the top cell (where the input actually is). When the result of the search is selected it does not close the results list like it normally would UNTIL the result has been selected the same number of times as there are number of cells.

Please let me know if you have any input on how to use the plugin search/extract functionalities within a Repeating Group.

Thank you very much for your time!

Hi @eric1,

Thanks for reaching out. Let me jump in here to help you. This plugin can be successfully used outside of the RepeatingGroup element, but the implementation you are trying to accomplish I’m afraid it is not possible with our plugin.

Thanks for understanding.


Hi good morning, I’m afraid that when I go from version 1.14 to 1.16 the plugin is having trouble working, please see attached loom video:

Thanks for the support!


Hello @jonathan. Thanks for reaching out and apologies for the late reply :pray:

Can you please run your index page with the search field with the enabled browser console to let us see the records in there?
Also, would it be convenient to add our as a collaborator of your app to let us check your plugin setup and make a few tests with it? It should help us with locating the root cause issue.

Thank you :pray:

Hi @kate ok thanks I’ll send you a private message to take the conversation to there.

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With this plugin, I can see how I am able to do a autocomplete search for a location and for it to return various details.
From this search I want to store the Google ID for a location. This would be an admin task.
I have been able to accomplish this using the Google Places plugin.
Then for users of the app, when they select a location from a list, I want the app to use the stored Google ID to dynamically retrieve and display various pieces of info such as phone number, opening hours, etc.
Does this Plugin provide this functionality?

I know I could technically store some of this additional info from when I initially search and store a location but I also know this is against Google’s terms of use!

Hello @myholidayguide. Thanks for reaching out.

No, I’m afraid it is not possible with our plugin. If you had a list of geo addresses in your database - it could be possible via the following logic:

So it could work like this if you have a list of already saved geo addresses or place names:

I hope it helps :pray:

Thanks for that. I can see how that might work.

This would require me to store the full address which is against Google’s terms of use so is probably not viable.
Could I ask if there’s any consideration to functionality as described using the Google ID as this is the piece of info that is allowed to be stored?


Instead of the full address, you can save the establishment name into your database. Perhaps it will work in your case.

Let us please check how possible it will be to add such improvement into the current plugin logic. I will let you know once I have any useful update on this matter.

Thank you and take care.


The plugin already containing the Get place details Google Autocomplete action that allows retrieving the place information using its ID:

The Place ID field can contain dynamic values, so I suppose it should be useful for you :pray:

Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi Kate. That’s great. I shall stump up the money and give it a go.

It might be worth promoting that functionality more as there may well be others seeking that functionality.


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Yup, you might have a good point. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions.
In a case, if you need some help - let us know, we’ll try to assist.

Take care :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello @kate

Would you agree to add “strictbounds” parameters in the Google Place ID - Search Places by string query please ? or in a copy of this with this location restriction ?

Because “Note that setting a radius biases results to the indicated area, but may not fully restrict results to the specified area”


I’ve added your request to the list of possible plugin improvements, thank you for this suggestion :slightly_smiling_face:
We will see how feasible it will be to add that feature in the future Google Places Autocomplete plugin update. Once it will be added - I let you know.

Thanks again! Take care.

I just sam the plugin update, but it was not my feature request. @kate any idea when it could be added please ? :roll_eyes:


The latest plugin update was connected with the bug fixing ( 19/01/2021 – Fixed issue with a focus to null), but not with the feature you’ve requested.

Unfortunately, I can’t provide you with even approximate time frames. Apologies for the inconvenience. But be sure that once the requested feature will be added - I inform you asap.

Thank you. Take care.