Services Plugins FAQs

Google Drive - Get Folder Childrens - return a list of files contained in current folder

Dear Vitalie:

I’ve read this and the documentation and I’ve looked at the demo.

Can you please explain how to use the Search Get File to get only the first level (not all the folders) folders from the root directory?

When I use the mimtype and specify it for folders, it does not filter for folders. Additionally, all the folders are returned, not just the ones in the root folder.

Please see below screenshot.

Hello, @askanatty
Thanks for your request.

Please allow us to investigate your case internally and revert to a solution ASAP. Thanks for the understanding :pray:

Best regards,

Hello, @askanatty
Thanks for your patience and sorry for my late reply.

Please allow me to mention that we have analyzed the Data Call “Search/Get files” and it is not workable in the current plugin’s version. Unfortunately, you can’t use this call right now.
We will investigate it with our developer team and will revert with an update the next week. :pray:

Sorry for this inconvenience :pray:
Best regards,

Hello, @askanatty

By this message, I would like to notify you that we have upgraded the plugin Complete Google Drive (Service Acc.) and especially, the requested functionality.
As was noted, the Data Call “Search/Get files” didn’t work as expected. Retrieving and searching files has been reworked. We have added an action to generate a search query.

Please find the screenshots with an example :pray:

Please upgrade your plugin to the latest version and give it a try. It will help you to work with an upgraded version of the plugin. :pray:
Also, let me mention that we are working on re-creating the documentation for this plugin. We will describe this action here for better understanding.

In case I can help you with some additional questions -please let me know.
Best regards,

@Ecaterina I sent an email to thank you but it bounced.

I appreciate the help.

Do you have any guidance on how it works? It is not straightforward. I have copied the example exactly and the query returns everything, not just the one where the title is 2.

I’ve also tried to limit the files to the children whose parent id is a certain value. However, I cannot pull just the children of the main drive - I keep pulling the children and the grandchildren, even those in the subfolders.

What I am trying to do is to get the files in one folder. I’d like to specify a particular folder and just have the files in the RG limit themselves to just that folder.

Can you guide me?

Hello, @askanatty
Thank you for this request.

Please allow us to check it internally and revert to a solution for this case. The reason for the error can be different, so we need to analyze the request.
Additionally, can you please provide us with a screenshot of the result you are achieving?

Looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,


The result from the title “2” query and the result from the Parent ID limit was all the files in the drive ( I only have 3 ).

In other words, the search parameter was not applied. \

Hello, @askanatty
Thanks for the details.

Please provide us the information about the next points:

  1. Please remove this state:

  2. The Data Source for the repeating group should be empty:

Looking to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

Hi Ecaterina:

I have done as you requested.

I set up the repeating group so that there was no data source and that the repeating group would display the contents of a subfolder using the sort generate query with the parent ID specified.

Still the repeating group displayed all the files in the folder.

I followed instructions exactly as specified so would appreciate further guidance.

Hello, @askanatty
Sorry for this inconvenience.

Due to the fact that we have some additional questions regarding your settings, can you please add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators to your application and provide me a link to your application? This will allow us to check your settings and run some tests to fix the mentioned problem.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, you need to do the following steps in the Bubble Editor:

Settings > Collaboration > Add email

Note: avoid the warning message regarding the plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

Looking to hear you soon.


I have added the email. I have the section that I am working on in doc6.

Hello, @askanatty
Thanks for the provided access.

We have carefully analyzed your application and found the issue. You have not included the parameter here:

Once we have added this parameter - we were able to receive not all files, but specific ones.
Also, please note that we created a page within your application, where is created not only settings a specific file, but also created a searching by file name function.

Please check this page :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope it will help you,
Best regards,

Dear Ecaterina:

I see that now a particular file is able to be retreived.

However, the files in a particular subfolder still are not able to be retrieved.

In your workflow, if I click on the Drive ID, that is supposed to trigger the workflow to retrieve all the files under a folder. When I do that, there are no files that are retrieved. I took a screenshot of what happens after I trigger this workflow. See the screenshot below.

This is the workflow:

Just FYI, the workflow for getting a file with a particular search string for the title does work. For this, thank you very much!

I have a second question - if I wanted to limit the search to a particular file name in a particular subfolder, is this possible? I mean to say, I could put in 2 parameters in the sort query and then use that in the hash correct, when the subfolder limit is working properly? I have a pretty big drive that I will use, so I really need to limit to a subfolder for most of the work. I know that the approach in Zerocode is to call all the files in the Drive, and then sort but that would be very difficult considering that there are thousands and thousands of files.

Please note that retrieving information from the sub-folder is works. So, the most probable reason is the absence of the files in the subfolder.
So, we carefully checked it yesterday and the files were retrieved ( press on Get All and filter the files).

Yes, you indeed can use 2 or more parameters in the sort query. Just make sure you configured all of them correctly.

Best regards,

Dear Ecaterina:

Thank you - I will go over it again.

Much appreciated for the help.

I made a comment re the Google Drive Drive Uploader on another thread. I need to use at least three instances on a page - is it now possible to do this?

I also note that I can only pull up a file by title - but I need to pull up a file by file ID. Is that possible?

Hello, @askanatty
We are always happy to help you.

Yes, please note that we have upgraded the plugin and now you will have the possibility to use more than 1 element on the page.
Please make sure that you will configure each of them correctly.

You should upgrade the plugin to the last version (1.10.0) and give it a try :pray:

I’m afraid that you should make a search by the file title, but not ID.

Hope it will help you.
Best regards,

Dear Ecaterina:

Much appreciated. I am exploring the changes now.

Would appreciate if perhaps pulling up a file/folder by file/folder ID could be programmed into the generate sort query.

The ability to pull up an exact file is needed for example when I want to save a file to a particular folder for a specific customer. Each customer has he or her own folder which is created in a separate workflow. I need to identify that folder and then call it in other workflows again and again. Right now, we can only search by title and that can mean pulling up the wrong file/folder.

Is it perhaps very hard to do?

Hello, @askanatty

Please note that the plugin functionality depends on the Google Drive service. Currently, the platform doesn’t provide the possibility to search by ID dynamically.
It meant that you can search only by the concrete ID ( which should be equal or not equal a specific ID), which should be set here:

Also, please find the screen from the official documentation with these details:

I’m afraid that your request is not possible now. Sorry for that :pray:
In case I can help you with any additional information - let me know.

Best regards,

Thank you so much for the information!

I really appreciate this, and will try to experiment a little further.

Much appreciated!



You are always welcome!

Best regards,