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PDF Conjurer Updates

Hey everyone! :wave:

We’re happy to share some updates with you regarding PDF Conjurer, our recently acquired plugin! :tada:

We’ve been testing PDF Conjurer to ensure a seamless experience for our users. Here’s what’s been going on:

  • Bug Fixes:
    • PDF Conjurer (backend): Fixed issue with activating footer on PDF (Counter style field).
    • PDF Conjurer (backend): Resolved bugs with “Add table on PDF” and “Add image on PDF” actions.

But that’s not all! We’ve also created a new demo to showcase the capabilities of PDF Conjurer. Our demo page for PDF Conjurer is currently undergoing updates to include additional use cases. While the demo is available for exploration, please bear in mind that it’s a work in progress.

We’ve written comprehensive documentation for PDF Conjurer to guide you through using the plugin effectively. Here it is:

If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for assistance. We’re here to help!

All the best,

Gulce Revenco
Technical Support Specialist & QA @ Zeroqode

600+ Bubble Plugins
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First off, what a relief that you guys have taken over!! Phew!

Do you have any timeframe for parsing BBCode being fixed? I can’t upgrade from 3.9.1 because there’s no way to right align text in any more recent updates.

Many thanks,


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Hi Dave @david10, :wave:

Thanks for reaching out!

We’re happy to hear you’re enjoying the transition to the Zeroqode team. :smiling_face:

I’m glad to inform you that BBCode processing has been fixed in Version 5.5.0 - "Fixed BBCode processing."
I recommend upgrading to this version to see if it resolves the right-align text issue you were encountering.

If you’re still unable to right-align text after the update, please don’t hesitate to reach out to with more specific details about the issue.(which BB code is not working) We’ll be happy to assist you further.

Best regards,

Hi @david10, :wave:

Just checking in to see if upgrading to Version 5.5.0 resolved the right-align text issue you were encountering with BBCode processing.

If you’re still experiencing any issues, please let me know with more specific details about the problem. We’re here to help!

Best regards,


I found a recent bug in the plugin. Yesterday I tested the setup and it was working fine. Today, after no changes on permissions im getting this code

Ive tried on the 3 most recent upgrades and still presenting the issue. Again, it was working just fine yesterday afternoon, any idea?

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Hello Edgar,
I hope you doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I found a recent bug in the plugin. Yesterday I tested the setup and it was working fine. Today, after no changes on permissions im getting this code

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, i have passed these details to our dev team they are currently working on fixing this issue, i will make sure to reach back to you once there are any updates.

Thank you for your patience and understanding throughout this process.
​Have a nice day! :sun_with_face:

Hello @edgarmolen97,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m excited to share that we have effectively resolved the issue with PDFs not generating on the recent versions and have updated PDF Conjurer to version 5.8.0.

Could you kindly update the plugin within your app to this latest version and confirm whether everything is now operating smoothly?

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Have a nice day!:sun_with_face:

Thanks! I would like to share here my experience with this plugin as I managed to find every single issue I could possibly get, which is a good thing.

The moment I started adding https: to the links of the images is the moment I stopped having cors issues and POST issues in the console

On the image module I settet up like this

If Yes: image’s URL
if No: https:image’sURL

this fixed it for me. Also check the image file size. In my case I generate PDFs loaded with user-uploaded images, which tend to be anywhere from 2mb to 7mb. Trying to put 40 images in a 10 page PDF file was impossible.

If this happens to you, you have to find a way to optimize images when they’re uploaded, I decreased the image file size from 5mb to 500kb with bytescale as soon as user uploads images and that made it work for me.

Additionally for PDFs with hundreds of images and dozens of pages I had to split the PDF generation and store the url in a database list field, then find a way to merge them (I did PDF co async PDF merger and did the trick)

I used a single PDF conjurer workflow with a bunch of very complex conditionals to add elements, columns, page breaks and to conjure the PDF or not on each run, and ran a Simple looper workflow conditionally as well to run the workflow as many times as needed. Lot of tweakinng but it worked at the end.

Hello @edgarmolen97 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you for sharing these valuable insights, I’m sure many users will benefit from such a detailed and informative report of your personal experiences with PDF Conjurer.

Additionally, I will make sure to pass these details to our dev team for them to analyze and check if based on your feedback they can improve the plugin so that setting it to work correctly would involve less effort on your side.

Once again thank you for contributing with feedback on how we can improve our plugin, and to the overall Bubble community.
Have a nice weekend! :sunny:

Hi team, First of all I wanted to say, amazing job on maintaining the plugin. This was a life saver for us as no other PDF converter was this much customisable. However, I’ve been facing a few issues and I would really appreciate if we have some solutions for them.
(Since I can’t put more than one image in each post, I’ll make 2 separate posts.)

  1. The text fields inside a multicolumn, which is inside a repeating structure does not allow BB parsing. On the latest update, it gives an error and on the 5.5.0 update, the error goes away but the text is not parsed

  2. On a repeating structure, is there any way I can do the ‘only when’ conditional for individual elements inside the RS. I couldn’t figure out how I can reference these elements when it’s being repeated, as I need to show/hide some elements based on their availability.

I would really appreciate if these issues can be answered. It’ll help a lot. Thanks in advance.

  1. The counter on the footer takes up 50% of the page and there is no way to reduce that spacing so I can put something else next to it. I tried - left margin for the counter, I even tried adding a fixed width to the left element so that it takes up the rest of the space but it wont work. Also, I can’t get the page counter to show on top of a background color. Even though the black is a background image, the counter stays underneath.

Hello @munsat.rukaya ,
Thank you for reaching out, and for your kind words. :slightly_smiling_face:

The text fields inside a multicolumn, which is inside a repeating structure does not allow BB parsing. On the latest update, it gives an error and on the 5.5.0 update, the error goes away but the text is not parsed

Please make sure that you have checked this field in order for the Bb code to be parsed.

After checking it, and entering your code, the generated pdf will display correctly

On a repeating structure, is there any way I can do the ‘only when’ conditional for individual elements inside the RS. I couldn’t figure out how I can reference these elements when it’s being repeated, as I need to show/hide some elements based on their availability.

Would it be convenient for you to provide more details regarding your use case?

Screenshots and screencasts of your workflow setup, plugin element, the issue you see, and the expected result, for screencast recording (I can suggest using the Loom tool).

The counter on the footer takes up 50% of the page and there is no way to reduce that spacing so I can put something else next to it. I tried - the left margin for the counter, I even tried adding a fixed width to the left element so that it takes up the rest of the space but it won’t work. Also, I can’t get the page counter to show on top of a background color. Even though the black is a background image, the counter stays underneath.

Could you please provide more details about this issue?

-Screenshots/Video recordings of the issue you see and the plugin element’s configuration.
-Workflows associated with the plugin.
-Any additional details you believe are important for us to replicate and understand your use case.

These details will help us provide you with a more precise answer to your question, and get a clearer understanding of your use case.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hi Vasile, Thank you for your quick response. I’ve made a short video to try and better explain my issues. I hope they are clear. Please let me know if you want anymore information. Thank you so much.

Hello @munsat.rukaya ,
Thank you for providing us with a details video recording. :slightly_smiling_face:

The text fields inside a multicolumn, which is inside a repeating structure does not allow BB parsing. On the latest update, it gives an error and on the 5.5.0 update, the error goes away but the text is not parsed

Thanks to your explanations and video example we successfully reproduced the issue on our side, and passed a bug report to our dev team, I will make sure to get back to you once there are any updates on this.

The counter on the footer takes up 50% of the page and there is no way to reduce that spacing so I can put something else next to it. I tried - left margin for the counter, I even tried adding a fixed width to the left element so that it takes up the rest of the space but it wont work. Also, I can’t get the page counter to show on top of a background color. Even though the black is a background image, the counter stays underneath.

Kindly note that the alignment of the page counter number is influenced by other elements on the footer.

The position you mentioned you wanted to get the number to be in, can be achieved with the help of some adjustments and spacing. Please find this test page you can check the Button Footer Wf, which we created for your use case, we hope it will help you to better adjust the footer on your side.

Feel free to further customize it to your desire. Find below an example of the generated pdf.

On a repeating structure, is there any way I can do the ‘only when’ conditional for individual elements inside the RS. I couldn’t figure out how I can reference these elements when it’s being repeated, as I need to show/hide some elements based on their availability.

Regarding this inquiry, kindly note that we provide general support and fix issues related to the default plugin configuration, and we don’t provide customization services at the Support Team.

A Bubble developer would be more effective at helping you with custom integration, we additionally recommend posting on the Help section.

We hope you have found this information helpful, looking forward to your reply.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hello @munsat.rukaya,
I hope you’ve had a great weekend. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like to know if you received my previous message.

Did you have time to check the suggestions we made, or did you fix the reported issue by yourself?

We would appreciate your feedback upon this. In case you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions, we would be happy to assist you.
Have a nice day! :sun_with_face:

Hi Vasile, thank you for reaching out. I’ve managed to solve the issues. I used a custom event to trigger the individual repeats of the RS and triggered the events using a simple looper. Since I didnt use RS, I was able to incoroporate BBcode to add the bullet points. And regarding the footer, I put the left element in an advanced table and was able to use fixed size of the column and some margins to get the right footer.

Hello @munsat.rukaya,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I used a custom event to trigger the individual repeats of the RS and triggered the events using a simple looper. Since I didnt use RS, I was able to incoroporate BBcode to add the bullet points. And regarding the footer, I put the left element in an advanced table and was able to use fixed size of the column and some margins to get the right footer.

It’s great to hear that you have found workarounds that are better suiting your needs.

I also wanted to share with you some good news, we resolved the Issue with parsing the BB code in repeating structures and have updated the PDF conjurer to version 5.11.0.

Additionally, we have investigated the reason why the plugin was throwing the error you previously mentioned, and have concluded that the cause of the issue stems from the fact that there are actions like Create text or Insert image with dynamic data, and if Bubble sees them as empty the plugin won’t understand what data to display and will throw errors.

You could very easily check if maybe that’s the case for you by launching your page in Step-by-Step mode and paying close attention to the text actions/ Insert Images actions if their dynamic data values are not perceived as empty by Bubble.

Could you kindly update the plugin within your app to this latest version and confirm whether everything is now operating smoothly?

Thanks again for your patience and cooperation.
Take care!

Hi Vasile, thank you for your prompt update. Unfortunately, with the latest update, all BBcode parsing within multicolumn broke. If i use the latest update, this is whats happening even though I am ticking BBcode as yes.

Update 5.10.0, however works fine for this.

Hello @munsat.rukaya ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

If I use the latest update, this is whats happening even though I am ticking BBcode as yes.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention, I have passed these details to our dev team, and they are currently investigating a way to fix BB code parsing in multicolumn action. I will make sure to update you as soon as there any updates on this.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hello @munsat.rukaya ,

Hope you are doing well. :raised_hands:

Good news, we have updated the PDF Conjurer plugin to the latest version - “5.12.0”, where we have added more fixes for the plugin including the BB code parsing in multicolumn action.

Could you please update the plugin on your app, test it out, and let me know if everything is working well on your side?

Thanks so much for your patience and cooperation.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. :pray:

Best regards,