Services Plugins FAQs

PDF Conjurer Updates

Good morning,
upon updating the plugin it stopped working.
After searching (i test 5.12), I have no errors until version 5.3 and then the pdf is no longer generated.
The cause comes from the insertion of an image with a dynamic link. I attach a screen.
In expectation to hear from you, Sincerely.

Hello @fantasy73100 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

After searching (i test 5.12), I have no errors until version 5.3 and then the pdf is no longer generated.
The cause comes from the insertion of an image with a dynamic link. I attach a screen.

Thank you for sharing the screenshot of the issue you’re encountering. Based on the information provided, it appears that there are multiple 401 Unauthorized errors when trying to fetch images from the server.

To solve this issue and make sure that you check the following:

Ensure that the API keys or authentication tokens used to access these resources are valid and have the necessary permissions. A 401 error typically indicates that the request is not properly authenticated

Double-check the URLs of the resources to make sure they are correct and accessible. Ensure that there are no typos or incorrect paths. For example, your image file might get deleted or corrupted.

Please try to test with a different image, and share with us if the results are the same.

Additionally, you could check how Bubble sees your image dynamic expression by launching your page in Step-by-Step mode and paying close attention to the Create Text/ Insert Images actions their dynamic data values shouldn’t be empty!

Let me know if my suggestions were helpful.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Hello, thank you for the quick response.

I am attaching a video and screens but it seems to me that everything is good.
The privacy rules are good because no problems so far.
I displayed the url address I use with Pdf conjurer and it displays correctly on my page (cf screen 2) .
Api Key: I haven’t touched anything on this subject or I’m missing some information.
In expectation to hear from you, Sincerely.

Lien vidéo

Hello @fantasy73100
Thank you very much for sharing additional details with us.

I have informed our dev team that there are issues on our side concerning the last update, and they are currently investigating the cause of the issue regarding the image generation. I will make sure to keep you updated once there are any news.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Good morning,
start of the track, by activating “auto binding” to add an image the url takes the form “//xxxxxx.jpg” but it works (example of url that works: // /windows-11-logo-colorful-wallpaper-3440x1440_15.jpg.
The problem is that this breaks the application in Live by forcing you to delete the images and add them again.
NB: I have not yet tested the plugin live.
Good day.

Hello @fantasy73100 ,
I hope you are doing well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Regarding the previous issue you reported, we checked with our devs, and the live version works, can you please tell us which version you are using and if it is not a private image?

tart of the track, by activating “auto binding” to add an image the url takes the form “//xxxxxx.jpg” but it works (example of url that works: // /windows-11-logo-colorful-wallpaper-3440x1440_15.jpg.
The problem is that this breaks the application in Live by forcing you to delete the images and add them again.

Would it be convenient for you to provide more details regarding your use case ?

-Screenshots/Video recordings of the issue you see and the plugin element’s configuration.
-Workflows associated with the plugin.
-Any additional details you believe are important for us to replicate and understand your use case.

These details will help us provide you with a more precise answer to your question, and get a clearer understanding of your use case.
Have a nice day! :sunny:

Good morning,
I fixed this bug by re-uploading all the images to insert into the PDF, unchecked the “private” box and enabled “autobinding”.
Have a good day.

1 Like

Hi again @fantasy73100,
Thank you for your feedback, glad you sorted it out. :raised_hands:

Feel free to reach us again when you need some help or assistance. It will be a pleasure to cooperate. :slightly_smiling_face:​
If you’re enjoying our plugins, and have some spare time, we’d love for you to rate them. Simply go to the Plugins tab in the Bubble editor, search for the plugin by name, and award it the stars you think it deserves.

Furthermore, if you’re willing to share your entire experience with Zeroqode, we invite you to do so at:

Your feedback is incredibly valuable to us and the Bubble community, as it motivates us to continue developing outstanding products and maintaining excellent customer service :blush:.

Thank you again, and I wish you an amazing weekend ahead. :pray:

Best wishes,

Hi Team,

I’m having trouble with the pagebreak for PDF conversion. At this moment if my advanced table column is more than 1 page long, it doesnt show that information at all. (Here, I have an advanced table showing all the key skills.)

If the skills table is one page long, the whole thing shifts to a new page and we are left with this massive gap.

Is there a way to allow page break INSIDE the advanced table (point to be noted, the advanced table is inside a multicolumn) so we dont have such empty space and also prevent it from not showing at all.

Waiting for your reply.

Hello @munsat.rukaya ,

Thank you for reaching out to us.

The page break you’re encountering is likely due to a setting in your actions, as our default settings do not automatically create random page breaks. To better understand your use-case, could you please provide more details? Specifically, we would appreciate screenshots or a screencast of each action in your workflow, including ‘Start Multicolumn’, ‘Create Text’, and ‘Add Key Skills’. Additionally, could you please tell us if you have you set any page breaks for the ‘Create Text’ action or any other steps in your workflow?

These details will help us better understand your situation and provide a more accurate response.

Thank you once again, and I look forward to your reply.

Best regards,