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Repeating Group to CSV Download - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hi Levon,

I think I worded my question wrongly- I just want to upload the csv to the file store in Bubble, then use that file in workflows etc. Is that possible in the RG to CSV download plugin?

Thanks for confirming.


yes, that should be possible if you create a workflow with an action to create a record, and then in that record you can have a field of “file” type and indicate the download link as the value to be saved. I think if you play with it it’d work.

Thank you- that seems to have worked.

I do have a further doubt. I want my csv to show the content from a single text box in a repeating group, and not to use the comma delimiter (as there is text with commas in the text box). I have tried to use a different separator in the download rg-to-csv dialog, but the output csv still cuts text at every comma. What am I doing wrong?

@david.simons Hi.

Could you please provide more details, like the setup/workflow with screenshots or video.


Sorry- my bad. I have fixed this- it was how I had Excel set-up to parse the output file.


Hi, there is something I have noticed which is causing me trouble. The only option available for saving the file url evaluates to a “text” rather than a “file”.

With the bubble page to pdf plugin, I am able to save the url as a “file” type as follows:
File=ConverttoPDF A’s Output file URL.

This gives me the whole url including the “https:” which I can then use in my workflows easily.

With the rg-to-csv plugin I end up with the bubble storage string without the “https:” which evaluates as a “text” which is causing me problems later in my workflows. Can you advise, please?

Hi David, i guess you can simply add https: prior to the Bubble storage string and that should do the trick

Hi again, I am getting the following error message - “The plugin Repeating Group to CSV Download / action Download CSV a rg-to-csv threw the following error: d.file_name is null”

Thanks in advance for your help

Was it working fine before? Did you configure it as shown in the demo page?

Hello Levon, I guess it must be something I did- the error is no longer thrown.

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Hello, Sorry I take it like most of the export to the CSV plugins, it can’t read external API’s(API Connector) repeating group’s list? Looking forward to hearing back from you.


Hi @evaldassedys,
Thank you for reaching out, we highly appreciate your interest in our plugins. :pray:

If I understand you correctly, your Repeating Group is loading data from an external API? If so, the Repeating Group to CSV Plugin will convert only those rows that have been loaded and displayed into the Repeating Group when previewing your app.

For instance, if you have 10 rows of data but the Repeating Group is set to 3 Rows (Vertical Scrolling), on the page load you will see only 3 rows loaded, if you convert the Repeating Group on page load, the CSV file will contain those 3 rows if you scroll the Repeating Group to the very bottom or set the layout style to Full List, the plugin will convert all 10 rows into CSV file.
Check the screenshots below:


CSV File Result:

CSV all rows of the repeating Group

Hope the above information will be useful for you.
In case there will be any other plugin-related questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best regards, :slight_smile:

Hi I an a newbie to bubble. I have a list in a group and a button in the group Create CVS this works great the first time. I can not figure out how to clear the text field with the URL in it so the next time a user click the button Create CVS it does it. I leave the screen and come back the field with the url is reset. On this page you show the text field and it changes I think that is really ugly for a user. On the demo page you have the same problem I have you can only click once, it does bringup the save file.

I want my users to click on the Create CVS button and have the save file box come up every time they click. Is there any way to do this.

Thanks for your help.

Hello, @xtophermccall!

Easy :slightly_smiling_face:
Try this:

So: when you click your “Create CSV” button, it pushes the value to the plugin’s “URL for downloading” state. And then you can use the “Every time the condition is true” event and open an external website action. This action will automatically save the resulting CSV file to your browser.

Hope it helps!

No matter what I do there is no file is downloaded. the Destination URL is empty

Hi, @stephen2.

Can you please show me your use case setup? Everything - plugin version, group settings, IDs, plugin setup, and a step-by-step reproduction of your use case. I can recommend you Loom and Bubbles tools to record screen sharing.

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, friends! :wave:

We are excited to inform you all that there are a few new features that appeared in the RG to CSV plugin. These are:
:arrow_right: the ability to save the converted file to the File Manager


:arrow_right: the ability to download the converted CSV file right after conversion


:arrow_right: the ability to set the specific order for the RG columns (an instruction on how to use this feature is provided in the plugin documentation, the Changelogs part)


Hope this improvement will be useful for you. :sunflower:

Hi , im interested in using this plugin.

has there been any improvements or changes to what data is exported? can this export the entire RG without loading all data in browser?

my data export can be between 1000-3000 rows and i don’t want to have set RG to Full List.


Hi @ricelectronicsdev,
Apologies for the delayed response. :pray:

No, unfortunately. To convert the data to CSV, you need to ensure that the data you want to include in the CSV file is rendered on the page. Please let us know if we can try to help you with anything else.

Best regards,

Hey folks!

Exciting news! We’ve rolled out another update for the plugin, and this time we’ve introduced the XLSX option for the RG to CSV element. That means you can now create XLS files from your Repeating Group too. :slightly_smiling_face:

To check out this new feature, simply update your plugin to the latest version (1.44.0) and refresh your editor.


Hope you enjoy it. :pray:

Best regards,