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Spotify Clone Template workflows for music player

@djpapzin, please delete the initial workflows.

You should have 4 of them and all with conditions.


I have done this

This is my current setup:

Now the favorite button is no longer clickable

@djpapzin, please add as collaborators to your app and I will check what happened there. Please disregard the notification about the limitation of your plan that doesn’t allow you to add collaborators. You should open this tab for adding collaborators.

Hi @alex.grimacovschi

I Just sent an invite

Hello @djpapzin,

Thank you for providing access to your app. I checked the workflows and fixed them where was needed. Now the functionality of adding to favorites works correctly.

Best Regards,

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Hi @alex.grimacovschi

Everything seems to be working as expected, thank you.

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Hi @alex.grimacovschi

I went through the documentation try to get more information regarding the different subscription plans: Silver & Gold…is Silver the Free option and Gold the premium option?

I also found this typo while reading through:

Hello @djpapzin,

Yes, the silver plan is the free option and gold the premium option. Currently in the template is present only the functionality of subscribing and unsubscribing to Silver or Gold plan. No other functionalities of the template use verification based on the plan. The logic behind was to give users the possibility to limit functionalities by using the Subscription datatype and adjust individually what should be available for each plan. That’s why in the initial version of the template functionalities available for Silver and Gold Plan, are used only for registration and subscription workflows.

The typo will be corrected, thanks for informing us.

Best Regards,

Hi @alex.grimacovschi

In terms of limiting functionalities based on my preferences, that’s well understood.

I noticed that the Silver Plan is “1” and the Gold plan is “>1” but I don’t see exactly where I can rename them to Free & Premium instead of Silver and Gold


In order to edit the names, you should open tab Data > App Data > All Subscriptions, and click on the edit icon.

Best Regards,

Thank you @alex.grimacovschi, you’ve been very helpful.

With regards to the side bar menu, I realise that on mobile view, it’s opened by default (after user logs in), is the a way to make it closed when user is logged in?

On another note, I’ve also realised that “favourite” is not responsive…

Hello @djpapzin,

I am afraid regarding both of your requests are related to a bug with the template. Our team will investigate why that errors appeared and will fix the issues. Once the template will be fixed and updated I will inform you on how to fix those issues on your part. Sorry for any inconvenience, we will do our best to provide a solution ASAP.

Best Regards,

Thank you, I’ll wait.

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Hello @djpapzin, thank you for waiting.

Our team fixed the issues reported by you and uploaded an updated version of the template. Now there are two ways how you the issues can be fixed on your side:

  1. You can create a new app from the updated template. (but in this case will be needed to redo all changes that you applied to the template, in your app).
  2. By following the steps described below:

a. Fixing the SideBar menu -

  1. Open “mymusic” page in the editor, design tab. Find the element “MaterialIcon open menu” and check the option “This element is visible on page load”
  2. On the same page. Find the element “FloatingGroup Side Menu” and uncheck the option “This element is visible on page load”

b. Fixing the responsive of the favorites group -

Here you will have to create a new app from the updated template and reproduce all settings of the elements from the group “Group Favorite” in your app. Basically here you will have to make sure that the settings of the elements from the group “Group Favorite” from the updated template are the same in your app.

Best Regards,

How is the change log looking like? Was that the only option updated?

Does this mean my only option is to start afresh with the updated template?

It seems like on desktop, it’s also hidden. I prefer the option of having it permanently displayed on desktop while scrolling

Hello @djpapzin,

Unfortunately, there is no changelog of the templates. The updated version of the template is that only one, present in the list for creating a new app from the template.

You can create a new app from the template but keep the old version with your changes. That will allow you to have available both versions of the template at a time and reproduce the changes applied to the updated template to your app.

In this case, you will have to develop a logic that will verify which screens size is used by the user and show or hide that element depending on that criteria.

I hope that will help you!

Best Regards,

Hi @alex.grimacovschi, I know it can be frustrating at times but I believe it will get better with tine

I follow these instructions successfully but I noticed something odd, the download icons don’t download the files, there are 2 workflows: when GROUP Track Download is clicked and user’s FullAccess is “yes”, dynamic link is set to track and file name set to name. What could be missing?