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💳 Stripe Marketplace Express Checkout - New Plugin from Zeroqode

Hi @Serg,
I purchased the Stripe Marketplace plugin and am thankful for its usefulness, but am having difficulty trying to implement it for my use case. I’ve read the whole forum for my issue and am not seeing a clear route. If possible, please steer me in the right direction. I’m building a marketplace between a freelancers and an employers. The freelancer (seller) charges the employer (buyer) a variable amount. Lets say $1,000. And can vary the increments - lets say three payments (1/3rds). I want there to be an “escrow like” feature where the customer is charged the first $300 but it goes into their own stripe balance or the platform’s stripe balance, and it will only be transferred to the seller when the buyer is satisfied and agrees to disburse the $300. Under this scenario, what is the correct workflow? Here are my thoughts, but they may be incorrect as i have not had success with implementation:

  • Assuming the buyer has stored a card ID, at the time of purchase → link a customer to a seller → seller charge a customer (capture now false)? I would want to avoid this as the system would have only 7 days to capture this charge and the freelancer could take up to a few months for completion of the first 1/3rd. Also, i have not found how to stop the funds from being automatically transferred to the seller.
  • Could the answer be to create a platform charge → then at the time buyer agrees to disburse the 1/3rd to the seller, → create a transfer to the seller?

Also, I’m having a lot of difficulty simply creating a functioning test stripe connected account through my system. My site forwards fine to stripe, but stripe wants to verify every user detail, which is not practical for a dummy account. Could this be because it’s set to OAuth? Is there an easier way?

Please help and i greatly would appreciate any thoughts or ideas, you have (as well as the community)

Hi @c356778, thanks for a good question.

These kinds of operations need to be set up on the Stripe platform side, please see if the following links may be used for your guidance: Place a hold on a card

Please use for guidance our plugin:

Hope it helps. Please let me know if I can help with anything else related to our plugin :wink:


I’m looking to do the following:

  1. Create a payment card via paymentIntents and SCA checkout (I have done that)
  2. Create a uncaptured paymentIntent using a saved payment_method

Any help is greatly appreciated

Hi @howard, thanks for your questions.

To implement that, please try to use the following actions on workflow:

and then indicate the required info in following action

Hope it helps. Please let me know if you have any other plugin-related questions, I will be glad to help.

Thanks Serghei, but how do I use a saved payment_method?

On the SCA checkout, the user is presented with the last used payment method, but this isn’t automatically saved as the customer’s default payment method ( [invoice_settings.default_payment_method])

My current setup allows the user to set a default card, then this is automatically selected for payments. They can select a different saved card should they wish. The SCA checkout doesn’t allow the user to select from a list of saved cards, so if the user wants to use a card they have previously saved, the only way is to enter the card details again.

Is there a way of passing a payment_method to the SCA checkout?

Also, is there a way of saving a card whilst the mode is in ‘payment’ and not setup? i.e. when a user makes a payment, the card is automatically saved as on of their payment methods.



also, your first step doesn’t use the SCA so that wouldn’t age well.

I’ve figured this out - assuming I don’t need to go through the SCA checkout when using a saved payment_method to capture the payment :slight_smile:

Hi @howard, thanks for your reply.
Please let me know on which of the earlier risen questions our help is still required :pray:.
Looking forward to your reply.


Hi Serg - All good. I figured it out. I thought I would need to pass the user to the SCA Checkout every time they want to make a payment. However, I only need to use the SCA Checkout to save a payment_method. I can then use that payment_method without having to send the user to the SCA checkout :slight_smile:

Hi @howard, thanks for letting me know that all is fine :slightly_smiling_face:

In case any other questions will appear, you know where to find us :wink:
Have a nice week ahead!

@Serg thanks for building this! I implemented your plug in to success before but am finding a challenge now. When I enter data I get this error:

It mentions reaching out to you – do you know what this means?

Hi @cohenja3, thanks for your message.
I’m afraid that provided information is not enough to be able to identify the possible issue.
Please share more related details, namely:

  • steps to reproduce your issue;
  • screenshots and/or screencasts of your setup - workflows, plugin settings (for the screencast recording, let me please suggest using the Loom tool).

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks @Serg ! Let me know if this helps:

Hi @cohenja3, thanks for the provided screenshots.
The issue might be related to indicated input setup, accepting values that are not accepted in fact (for example text instead of numbers or viceversa).

Please use the plugin Demo editor page for reference, to check if the input setup has been done properly: Zeroqode-demo-19 | Bubble Editor

In case the issue will persist, please share a screencast with full setup - workflows, plugin settings, and corresponding use case that lead to error (with opened browser console).


Hello everyone,

Please welcome a new free tutorial for the Stripe Marketplace Express plugin. :tada:

Integrating the payment system into your app may be complicated and time-consuming.
With our new free tutorial and Stripe Marketplace Express plugin it becomes really easy and effortless! :+1:

Check it out here:

Hope you will like it!

Hello Zeroqode friends!

I’ve recently installed the Stripe Marketplace plugin and it’s going great but I’m stuck on the charging a customer step. My app requires that transactions can be paid to multiple sellers from one customer payment based on the items in the customer’s cart. I’m having trouble with the workflow expression to allow for this and allocate the correct portion of a charge to the right seller. Is this something there is documentation on how to set up?

I have the correct formula for calling the total charge, but I’m not sure how I would indicate to split the payments to multiple sellers and coordinate transaction fees based on the chosen items.

I’ve attached a screenshot of the set up I have so far for the Charge a Seller action.

Thank you so much for your help!

(It says “do a search for” because I made a random selection so it would be easy to find and come back to this expression error. I know it shouldn’t be a “do a search for” function.)

Hello, @dinomeg
Thanks for reaching out and for your question.

Theoretically, split payments are possible with our plugin.
You can either indicate that the recipient of the transaction is another use or just capture a fee from the transaction.

  • it is possible to create a transfer to the Platform, and after it, the platform owner should create separate transactions for each seller. This option is the easiest one.

  • it is possible to create an action on the Backend Workflows, where you can indicate multiple IDs for transfer:

Hope these options will help you.
Best regards,

Hi Ecaterina!

This is very interesting, thank you for the response! Can you confirm for me, if I were to do a transfer to the platform, I would indicate that in the header field in the workflow detail (in the screenshot I provided). I would then create a separate workflow where I transfer a sale’s value to the seller less a transaction fee rather than pull the transaction fee from the initial charge workflow like I have set up in my screenshot. Is that all correct?

For the other option of a backend workflow, I would fill in the destination to indicate more than one seller with the IDs associated with the transaction. Is the source_trans the field to indicate that new transactions should trigger the workflow for payments to sellers? What should that expression look like to ensure this workflow hits all seller IDs in a specific transaction each time there’s a new transaction? Is there a way to indicate a transaction fee in the backend workflow or should I determine this in the original workflow I set up (in my screenshot) before triggering an API workflow? If I set up this option, should it be in addition to the work flow I have set up for the charge or would I need to have the entire workflow to be operating here on the backend?

Thanks so much for your help with this, I really appreciate your expertise!


Oh! I think I misunderstood this when I first read it. You’re saying that I don’t have to indicate a payee for the transaction but I can JUST tell it to capture the transaction fee. If I do this and then set up a backend workflow to pay out to multiple sellers, funds will not be hitting my platform in the meantime, right? It will just be pulling from the buyer, splitting off the transaction fee and then sending the remainder to the sellers.

Am I able to pull a transaction fee from the api workflow after I indicate how to split the payment (e.g. pull a transaction total of $100 and if I have 2 sellers, calculate the amount to pay each, reserve the transaction fee amount from each amount owed, and then pay the remainder to the sellers)? Or do I have to pull the fee from the total amount charged to the customer and then figure our the remaining amount owed to the seller?

Thank you so much!

Hello, @dinomeg
I’m afraid there has been some misunderstanding :pray:

I will try to add some more details on this matter.
First of all, please allow me to mention that such configuration is absolutely custom and you need to gain some Stripe skills.

After researching for information regarding your request, I need to note that you can’t target multiple receivers of money in a single payment action, however, you can have one payment action per receiver and divide the sum of the transaction.

One thing tho - Stripe will charge its service fee (2.9% + $0.3) on every payment action, so you end up losing money as the app owner.

In order to create a separate transfer for each Seller, you need to create an action on the Backend Workflows through the ‘create transfer’ action:

So you’ll have ‘Schedule API workflow on a list of users’ when a specific button is clicked.

Hope this advice will be helpful for you.
Best regards,