Services Plugins FAQs

Stripe Marketplace - Register Seller issue in FR


I’ve just purchased your plugin “Stripe market place” which looks very good but I have a problem.

I can’t create a seller in France. I have an error message in stripe logs.

“error”: {
“message”: "Connect platforms based in FR must create Custom accounts via account tokens. For documentation on account tokens, see",
“type”: “invalid_request_error”

Can you please help me. I’ve tried stripe.js 2 too but same problem…

Thank you.

Hi @Saeba,

Thanks for reporting. Without knowing more about your workflows, I can provide insights on how to properly use the plugin. In case your country is France, you’ll have to use a valid France IBAN and you don’t need to use an Insitution Number (it’s for US only).

Perhaps this thread Marketplace plugin issue can be useful. You can find testing bank accounts here However, if you still experience the same issue, please share more screenshots of your app and workflow settings, describing what you’re trying to accomplish, the exact steps to reproduce the issue, as well as obtained results on preview and error messages.

Hope it helps.


Hi @alexandru,

I copied the demo workflow…

here is my sceenshots

The form

The workflows

Stripe logs


i used the demo IBAN


Hi @Saeba,

Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, we are not able to reproduce this error on our side. However, based on our demo and provided screenshots, the reason seems to be at this point:


Because in our demo it is using to create a seller as Individual rather than a Company:

Could you please make sure that everything is configured properly as per demo, if you’re trying to replicate it on your side, then give it a try again. Alternatively, you can describe what exactly you’re trying to accomplish with this plugin, and if you really need to create a seller as Company based on your project idea. This way we can get a better understanding, and come back with a reply asap.

Thank you for understanding.

I have the same issue with Individual account !

And everything is like the Demo

Just the “country code” (FR) and “Currency code” (EUR) inputs are different :frowning:

i tried with US and USD but with my ip address it detect me in FRANCE and i have the same issue

I want to let users create their seller account without redirecting on stripe

Hi @Saeba,

Thanks for your feedback. Could you please go to Settings - Collaboration tab within your editor. Add our account to your collaborator’s list. Also, please tell us your project name and page name where this problem occurs on test.

Note: avoid the warning message regarding plan, as we are an agency and you can easily add us to your collaborators.

We’ll investigate it inside your app and get back to you with a feedback asap. :pray:

Hi @alexandru

Ok i’ts done

where do i send you my project name and page ?

in PM ?

Hi @Saeba,

Thanks for sharing your app. Unfortunately, we’re not able to test it and reproduce this issue, as it asks for login and password. However, the creating part of bank account token seems to be configure properly, as well as creating seller action, but a couple of fields might be causing this error. If you’d like to replicate our demo, I can suggest you do the following:

  • enable the capabilities:
  • when you create the tokens based on uploaded docs for both front and back, it has to be an image:
  • and make sure you’re actually using valid addresses and a valid postal code for your country:
  • as per IP address, we’ve seen you’re using another plugin that we’re not aware of how it’s working, but it seems to be retrieving some different Geo information based on IP:

Please make sure to configure everything as per docs and demo and check fields docs as well, so you can get a better understanding of what information needs to be inserted, then give it a try again. Here is a valid testing FR IBAN FR89370400440532013000 that should make things work.

Hope it helps.

Everything is configured like the demo

I have copied your demo fields and workflows entirely without result…

The ip plugin retrieve my ip address (ok)

All the other informations are good (postal code, address, etc…)

I can give you my app password to test

the message log in stripe tell me that i need to creat a seller with an account token…

Hi @Saeba,

Thanks for feedback. Unfortunately, it was not configured everything as per demo. I would showcase, but it seems we no longer have access to your app editor. For create a file action where you upload the front&back images, it must be assigned an image value, but in your application it was a fileuploader’s URL value. Please do make sure that everything is configured like in demo, then give it a try again. As for this one:

This is related to Stripe, but our plugin doesn’t come with creating a seller by using an account token, unfortunately. You should be able to replicate the demo and if everything is done properly, it must work on your end as well. I can suggest you also try express accounts if they are supported in France.


OK thanks anyway
I hope I did not buy this plugin for nothing
I solved my problem by going through the bubble API plugin :wink: and it works !
Thank you again for your time :wink:


Hi @Saeba,

I’m glad it worked on your side. If you have any other questions regarding Stripe or any other product of ours, please let me know.


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hi @alexandru

Yes i have one question :slight_smile:
Now, i want to use your plugin to update the ID Docs.
Should i use (Update seller - Individual) with image tokens of id docs and the Seller ID ?

Thank you

Hi @Saeba,

Yes, this action can be used for updating information. However, it is important to mention that by using this action you can update only the information that hasn’t been filled in or it failed when uploaded first. You do not update data that has already been uploaded and verified. Although you are able to change any field, but only if Stripe asks you to do it (e.g. name doesn’t correspond to document ID one etc.). You can find more information here and for other actions as well.


I’m facing the same issue for FR. I’m based in the U.S. and currently running a few tests. UK works great, but for France or Poland…I have Stripe’s test IBAN as the account number (FR1420041010050500013M02606) and nothing happens.