Services Plugins FAQs

Working with Sheets plugin in Bubble

Hello @josh5,

I’m afraid for plugins and templates purchase we provide support only over the intercom and forum.

Could you please explain what are you trying to achieve with this workflow and share a screen of the actions’ settings from the workflow you showed?

Best Regards,

When a file is uploaded using the document viewer, I want to show a new google sheet in a slider. When a file is loaded using the document viewer i want the name of the spreadsheet to change to the name of the file uploaded. I also have a button if it is easier to program ‘create spreadsheet’. Below are some screenshots of my idea. This shows the slider when the slider is open. I want the spreadsheet to show in this slider. I have the slider programmed to open and close and an html element in the slider but nothing shows. The second screenshot is of the console and where the slider is placed. Please help.

Thank you,


Hello @josh5,

Thank you for providing all the details. Please make sure that your workflow is the following.

1.Create Spreadsheet > 2. Allow spreadsheet access (User or Everyone) The second action should use the SpreadSheet ID from action 1. Between action may be needed a pause in order to provide enough time for processing. Also, please make sure that your HTML file contains the following:

I think for you may be useful also to see how the workflows are set up on our demo page, here is the link to the editor: Zeroqode-demo-16 | Bubble Editor

Hope that will help!

Best Regards,

For some reason I cant seem to get a request token and to check private key. I went to google and got a private key from the my service account under the credentials tab in the user console. downloaded the json, and input the key into the google sheets plug in. This is the screen i get after trying to create a new spreadsheet. should I use the API connector to add the credentials? Can y9u help me with getting thie credentials to get this to work? Thank you.

Hello @josh5,

No, it is not needed to use API connector to add the credentials. Please check our documentation regarding obtaining Service Account Keys and make sure you followed each step. Also, it will be helpful to check the documentation of the plugin in order to have a better understanding of how the plugin works here you can find it:

Best Regards,


After doing the steps from the previous post I still cannot get the plug in to work. It comes back that the token cant be signed. Below are some screenshots of what I have tried. What do you think the problem is? Thank you.


Hello @josh5,

Maybe you didn’t edit the key, please check once again the documentation and especially pay attention to the part with editing the key. If that will not work try to create another key.

Best Regards,

Hey Alex, I am facing the same issue! I have tried remaking the service project, created the key multiple times( gotten rid of “\n” and “=” ), despite all the efforts I get the following message " Could not sign request token, check private key." Help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello @brent,

In case you already tried a few times to create and edit keys without any success than in order to find out the cause of the issue we will need access to your app. If you don’t mind could you please add as collaborators to your app and let us know on which page you are using the plugin. When adding us as collaborators you may see the notification about the limitation of your plan, please disregard it.

Best Regards,

Hi Alex - I’ve added you in, please check page ‘recruiter_assessing_v3’ when Button ‘Cool’ is clicked; the problem happens when launching step 2 - “could not sign request token, check private key”

Thank you! We will check your app and will provide an answer ASAP!

Best Regards,

@brent hi again,

We have checked your app. Unfortunately, the key is not set up accordingly to the documentation. Currently, at least the key doesn’t have “BEGIN PRIVATE KEY” and “END PRIVATE KEY”. Please take a look once again over the documentation and make sure you have followed all steps from there. My recommendation is to create a new key and edit in accordance with the documentation.

Best Regards,

Hi Alex, I’ve created a new key & implemented as according to the instructions. Had the header “BEGIN PRIVATE KEY” and “END PRIVATE KEY” in but the same error message persists.

Could you check the page ‘test’ I’ve created a simple workflow specifically to test this API call.

Thanks so much!

Hello @brent

We have checked your app, seems like the action works as expected on the test page it was created for checking. We’ve added the action to create a spreadsheet on button click event.
It works fine.
Please see the page for the result:

I would recommend for you to check out, our demo setup: Zeroqode-demo-16 | Bubble Editor
For better understanding how to set up the actions/events in workflow.
Thanks for understanding.

Best Regards.

Hi Alex. I’m having this same issue. I followed the private key steps exactly (and the Iss Email steps exactly) but I’m getting the same “could not sign request token” error every time.

Hi @davidjsap, I guess we might know what the issue is. Please check Google Sheets & Charts (Service) Plugin - Zeroqode Documentation again and try to get a different key, then test it one more time. It could be a problem with generated key itself. If you experience the same or different issues, please let me know. Thank you. :pray:

I’ve been having the same issue. Followed the steps 3 times (from what I can tell exactly as instructed but perhaps not). Getting the same “could not sign request token” error. What were you guys doing wrong?

I was able to solve my problem. I think the instructions are misleading. Following these instructions exactly made the key not work. By leaving in the final == in the key, but replacing the \n with a carriage return, I was able to get my key to work

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Hi guys,

Same issue and thanks to gbyron it works !

I confirm the following :

  1. “-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----” and “-----END PRIVATE KEY-----” should be on standalone lines
  2. ALL “\n” should be removed
  3. Do not remove the “=” at the end of the key because it wont work , despite google instructions …


I found that this last requirement (standalone lines for the ----- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ----- and ----- END PRIVATE KEY ----- ) is critical, but one other fact is important. My browser will show the ----- BEGIN PRIVATE KEY ----- line as separate even if it is not. It has to do with contiguous letters in the actual key. So I needed to insert an CRLF from the keyboard (not a \n, just a press the Return key). This is the same as with the ----- END PRIVATE KEY ----- . It is just hidden by the browser… :-0. Arrrgh!!! it took me weeks to discover that.