Services Plugins FAQs

Agora Streaming & Video Conference Plugin

Hello, I am implementing the Agora Streaming & Video Conference Plugin and in the tests that I am doing I have not managed to make the streaming functionality work in a constant and stable way.

I am doing the tests with a simple configuration where I have two screens: test_host_2 and test_audience_2.

What is happening to me is that on the host screen (test_host_2) if the video is shown as host, in the log everything is normal without errors.

On the audience side, the video is not shown as audience, but there are no errors in the log.

I appreciate the support in determining what is happening. Thank you.

I attach the settings for these screens:

Hey everyone! I just started using agora rtc and I have streaming and video call down pact! I just wanted to figure out how to add a list of streams to repeating group! hopefully someone can help me out! Thanks guys.

Hi @fredwisseh, thanks for your question.

I’ve asked the developer team about this. Once any feedback will be available, I will let you know asap.


Hi @fredwisseh, thanks for your patience.
In the last plugin update, the developer team made a slight change that enabled the possibility of displaying multiple streams (in a repeating group).

Check more details in the parallel thread: Agora RTC. Please help! - #5 by Serg

Hope this will help. Drop a message if there will be any other questions.


Are you able to show me how I would be able to do this?

Hi @fredwisseh,

Sure, please navigate to the thread mentioned above, under the spoiler I’ve added a few screenshots with a setup example.

Hope this will help. Drop a message if there is anything else that I can help with about our plugin,
