This is un unedited InnerSpace Template.
Why is there a mismatch between the media files in the playlists in the dashboard and the playlist in the backend data access.
Is this by purpose or what am I doing wrong/not seeing?
This is un unedited InnerSpace Template.
Why is there a mismatch between the media files in the playlists in the dashboard and the playlist in the backend data access.
Is this by purpose or what am I doing wrong/not seeing?
Hello @floripaolo!
Thank you for reaching out!
I have forwarded this to our developer’s team for further investigation. Once I have any updates - I will let you know.
Have a great day!
Best regards,
Hello Diana.
Do you have any news about this issue? I never heard back from the developer…
@floripaolo, thank you for your patience.
We have made a template update where the reported issue was fixed. Now, each new meditation, added to the template by uploading from the admin page, is saved and displayed correctly within the app and its database.
To see the changes please create a new template copy and reproduce the process of adding new meditations into the app.
For your convenience, our development team has shared the details of
what exactly was changed:
You can use this information as a hint when comparing your current application setup with the freshly created template copy.
Hope it helps!
Thanks for your help.
It looks like, that the last setting you suggested on the admin page RG meditations leads to not visualizing any meditations in the admin page. But the rest seems to work fine.
Please check the video below
Thanks again
@floripaolo, thank you for the details and video.
I’ve checked the reported case and I’d like to admit that on the demo page it works fine. Let me please explain how does it work:
once you click the “Group Playlist”, this action triggers the sending of the additional parameter to the page URL. The parameter that is sent is the ID of the playlist you have clicked on:
Please take a look:
Please let me know if there is anything I can help you with.
Hello Kate
I tried to find the problem. Although I have exactly the same settings, it has replicated the same problem on two different versions of the template…
I spent a whole afternoon trying to find the problem…
Thanks for help.
I am still confused on why audio files do not show up in a Playlist app data although they have been set In All Meditation app data as a specific playlist:
In All Meditation there are 5 files:
In the respective “Wild” playlist 0 files are present:
I’m confused…
Thanks for help
Hello, @floripaolo
Please find my answer to your request in this Forum Thread: Stripe price code from mobile settings subscription gets not updated - #10 by Ecaterina
I hope that these changes will be helpful for you.
Best regards,
Hello @Ecaterina
I was referring to this post actually.
It started showing partially some files in Admin but there are still discrepancies as I showed above.
Hello, @floripaolo
Note that Playlists and Meditations are different DataTypes. So, in order to find a new Meditation in the specific playlist, you should add it.
Please find my screencast below:
Thus, everything is working properly, you just need to remember, that there are different data types.
Best regards,
Hello @Ecaterina
OK. This is working when done from the Admin page. Not from the Bubble data dashboard. There you need to define on both sections All Meditations AND Playlists to which playlist it should belong.
But this should work. I will just load them from Admin anyways.
Hello, @floripaolo
So, the Meditations and all the Content should be uploaded by Admin ( by the initial idea in our template).
In case this scenario is not convenient for you and you are willing to define on both sections All Meditations and Playlists to which playlist it should belong, you can create it by yourself.
Each Meditation has its Category and is related to its playlist:
Thus, in the case of the correct settings of your DataBase, the issue should not appear on your side.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot @Ecaterina
Now it’s clear why I got confused.
We will upload the files via Admin. This is perfectly fine!
Hello, @floripaolo
Happy to assist you
In case of any additional questions regarding this template will appear - let me know.
Best regards,
Thanks @Ecaterina
I still really have a hard time concerning my other issue:
I am unable to find the setting that leads to a really long scrolling all across my pages.
I checked collapsing settings but they are the same on your template and on my page as far as I can see.
Hello, @floripaolo
My colleague will revert to you with a response to your question in the forwarded thread at the nearest time.
Best regards,