Services Plugins FAQs

AWS Uploader - Server Responded with 0 Code

Thank you. I have followed the documentation as closely as possible but no luck.
I have added you as a collaborator but not sure if it worked because it says you can only add collaborators if on a professional plan.
Let me know if you are able to access it, if not I will change my plan temporarily (I have a discount code).
The page I’ve been testing uploads on is called test_upload
Thanks again!

Thanks, we got the access. We will inspect the issue and will do our best to provide an answer ASAP. I will keep you posted.

Best Regards,

We checked the plugin in your app and with our keys, it is working properly. Seems that there is an access issue related to the account setting which we cannot change. Please try to reproduce once again the steps described in the documentation and pay special attention to:
3. IAM Security Roles
4. AWS S3 Bucket located on the desired Server
I hope this will help you!


Thank you Alex. I appreciate you taking the time to test it.
For some reason the NoGUI uploader is now working on files up to about 30mb, but above that nothing happens.
I am still getting the " Server Responded with 0 Code" when I use the AWS File Uploader element - this has never worked for me.
It also only works if I have my S3 bucket set to allow all public access which isn’t ideal.
I have checked and re-checked your instructions and tried to follow them closely, although there are parts where it is a little unclear, particularly regarding allowing public access or not.
I am not sure if there’s anything else you can do - is there a way I can give you access to my S3 bucket so you can have a complete look at it?
Thanks again,

Yes, you are right the S3 Bucket should be set to public overwise the plugin will not have acces to data. Here is the reference from the documentation:


I would like to help you better help with making the plugin work on your side but accessing your S3 account is beyond the limits of our support. Please just repeat the steps from the documentation and if everything will be set up correctly the plugin will work.

I hope for your understanding!

I’m running into the same issue as Kieran: I can upload with the No GUI Uploader but not the GUI Uploader. When I try to upload with the GUI Uploader I get a “server responded with 0 code.”

I’m about to go back and check settings again (now fourth time time).

I agree with Kieran that instructions are unclear regarding public access. Below is a screenshot where users are told that we’re making the bucket public only for a moment. This implies that the bucket can be make private again once other changes have been made.

Here’s another example of conflicting instructions that appear in different sections of the documentation.

CORS configuration example:

  • “Additional Security” section of the documentation suggests to use the configuration shown in the screenshot.
  • “AWS S3 Bucket located on the desired Server” section of the documentation gives copy and paste string that does not match the screenshot.

Bucket Policy is another example. Different instructions in the Additional Security and AWS S3 Bucket Location.

I had to include in my CORS config to get the No GUI Uploader to work. Documentation only calls for

Otherwise I’m 99% sure that I’ve got everything set up as shown in the Additional Security section of documentation.

Any suggestions?

Hello, @tjc4. Thanks for reaching out.

To make GUI Uploader work properly, as on our demo page, you need to follow all instructions, noted in the plugin documentation. For example, set the S3 Bucket available to the Public. Please try this option, it should help.

I will discuss this point with my colleagues and we update the Addition Security section to make it be more obvious, without misunderstandings :pray:

Agree, in the AWS S3 Bucket located on the desired Server section screenshot a mismatching (comparing with other screenshots) Bucket name is indicated. I will discuss this point, and Bucket Policy as well, with my colleagues and we will update/make notes to this section to avoid misunderstanding. Thank you!

This is a test example of the app domain -

We have indicated it because this is the credentials of our test app (which is designed for informative/test purposes). I suppose it is apparently understandable, that for your own app you need indicate your app’s domain name. How can you make your app work under our test app domain? :slightly_smiling_face:

Please read carefully the Additional Security section (esp 3,4).

Thank you for your detailed request. I will inform you once there be any changes regarding the plugin documentation.


This response (to @tjc4’s concise and direct explanation of the issues they’re having) is absolutely atrocious and unacceptable. This plugin isn’t a free tool/utility. It’s a paid piece of software that should come with some sort of minimum support/working documentation, to which both your answer and the docs online fall far short of.

I’m experiencing the exact same issues as detailed by tjc4. Please work on this and issue some updated guidance.

Hello, @mkrandel. Thanks for reaching out.

Apologies, I’m not intended to be atrocious in my reply. The plugin documentation reflects the prerequisites, steps, and guidance on how to set up and use the plugin, by following which you should not face problems with its work.

In cases when you have some errors, we are glad to assist you to resolve them and the first thing that we refer - is plugin documentation. If you followed it carefully and made no mistakes in spelling, but still have this " Server Responded with 0 Code" - then please add our email as a collaborator of your app. We will check the plugin work with our test keys.

Please do not be mistaken, we are grateful for the notes, given by @tjc4 - if the described points in plugin documentation are critical for some users, we definitely should fix them.

Thank you for understanding.

I’ve followed your directions to a tee (both the original version and the one with enhanced CORS/Bucket policy security.


Can someone on your team please fix this?


We can not reproduce your issue on our side, unfortunately. Can you please add the as a collaborator of your app? It is possible to add the support account as a collaborator even if your subscription plan is a Hobby.

I presume you have set something wrong on your side (bucket policy security or plugin), we need to verify the plugin work within your app, if you don’t mind.

Also, would you kindly share the screenshots of your bucket and plugin settings? :pray:



I am experiencing the same issue. The plugin uploader give me zero code issue but the NO GUI uploader is working so it can’t be a problem of settings.

Did you find any solution to this problem ?

Also there is an issue when using multiple NO GUI uploader in the same page, when you put multiple actions in the workflow for ‘a NO GUI ulpoad start’ and ‘NO GUI upload end’, only the first ‘NO GUI uploader’ actions is done for all other ‘NO GUI uploader’



Hello @regis.amon. Thanks for reaching out.
Please accept my apologies for the late reply.

This issue is typically happening when the bucket settings and plugin are differing (even for a bit). Typos, excess symbols, incorrect mismatching address - this can cause the issue. A common case is when the bucket is in one region, and the application is in another.

Please make sure you have checked your bucket settings very carefully and followed our documentation.

These forum threads should be helpful:

If you have checked everything carefully - please share the console screenshot with the error you get. There is no issue with the plugin on our side, as I can see.

I hope it helps. :pray:

Hello Kate,

Thanks for your answer and the indications but it is not that, I double checked everything.

The plugin is set up like in the doc :

Also if the plugin was not well set up, how could you explain that the noGUI is working (files are present in the S3 bucket) like in the gif below and the GUI File uploader respond with zero code. Please don’t tell me it’s a AWS set up problem, it really seems the error is in your plugin.

issue AWS uploader



Apologies for the late answer.

As per the fact, there is no issue observed with the GUI/noGUI uploader elements on the plugin demo page, we presume that the issue on your side can be probably caused by the mistake in the Bucket setup. Any slight mistake like a typo or access symbol can be the reason for the trouble.

Anyway, let me please double-check once more this case with our devs. Thank you for your patience.


Hello, @regis.amon.

We have re-checked the plugin again on our side and we have not encountered any issues. As per this fact, we are sure that our AWS bucked setup/plugin setup is correct, and If you follow our docs and re-check your setup carefully - the no GUI/GUI uploader will be workable on your side as well.

Also, you may see from the previous user’s replies, that even the typo in your AWS bucket settings can affect the plugin work:

If you kindly provide us with access to your app, where the plugin is installed, we can test it using our AWS Keys to make sure the plugin works OK. You can add our email as a collaborator of your app.

I rely on your understanding :pray:

@regis.amon @kate @mkrandel @tjc4 @kieran Did anybody get the GUI version working? I have the same issue as they all had: “No GUI Uploader” works fine and uploads to S3 bucket, but the “GUI” uploader returns the 0 code error message.

Hello, @chris.brenden
Thanks for reporting the issue.

If you carefully followed the documentation for the plugin and this issue appeared, the reason is the wrong JSON settings. Please copy and paste the following codes into their respective blocks:

Bucket policy


    "Version": "2012-10-17",

    "Statement": [


    "Sid": "AddPerm",

    "Effect": "Allow",

    "Principal": "*",

    "Action": "s3:GetObject",

    "Resource": "YOUR_ARN_HERE/*",

    "Condition": {

    "StringLike": {

    "aws:Referer": "YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE/*"





    "Sid": "AddPerm2",

    "Effect": "Allow",

    "Principal": "*",

    "Action": "*",

    "Resource": "YOUR_ARN_HERE/*"








"AllowedHeaders": [



"AllowedMethods": [






"AllowedOrigins": [



"ExposeHeaders": [



"MaxAgeSeconds": 30000



Save the setups, then give it a try again, please.
Best regards,

Thank you for the quick response, Ecaterina. Actually, I got it to work before your response, as what you’ve listed is what I ended up with, haha.

For those that have similar problems that I had: although I did not pinpoint it exactly, as I changed many things at once before testing functionality, I believe my initial mistake was that I did not change the permissions policy on the unauthenticated role in IAM. I only did the authenticated role.

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Hello, @chris.brenden
Happy to hear that you were able to fix it all by yourself.

In case of any additional questions will appear - please let me know. We will be happy to assist you with them.

Best regards